Going back

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Preethi POV

I was having breakfast when Mr Harshavardhan Called me and said he wants to talk to me personally. Though I wondered what he wanted to talk to me I said an ok to meet.

Later in afternoon I met Mr harshavardan he asked me if I would to join back to the office. I was surprised if he wished there would be so many people in Q to work for his company and that position but why is he asking me to come back? It was also not that I was such great at my job or my experience.

I could not understand the point that he meeting me personally and Asking me to come back so I put all my doubts to Mr harshavardhan asked him about the real reason that he wants me back.

First Mr Harshavardan asked me to call him Uncle from now on and said he sees a Daughter in me. He told me that Arhan right from his young age is in habit of getting everything he wants, being only Son even Uncle and Aunty gave him all he wanted so he has never learnt to take a answer as "no". With the same attitude he without thinking much had proposed me and since he dint get any reaction from me and more over I also left the company without any info Arhan has become upset about it and has turned to be violent in his behaviour .Also uncle told that Arhan had starting firing many employees for just silly mistakes that they do and had even done a loss to one of his clients by his behaviour change.

So Uncle asked even tough I dint want to accept Arhan, if I could get back to office as just an employee to work with him he could change a bit and get back to his normal self. This job only I could do if he appoints even 10 people but still things won't work. so he is here personally for his sons sake. Then Uncle asked me to take good decision atleast for him and he left.

Later in night I also taught about what Uncle had said. I felt in Lik respecting Uncle and also AA group has given me a job when I was in much need of it. Also I had abruptly left Arhan and office without telling him reason so taught this going back could give me an chance to explain to him about my self and later once Arhan is normal I could slowly come out from the company.

So I put my alarm @ 6am so that I could go back to office tomorrow and slept.

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