Her past

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Preethi Pov

I was just rolling over My bed after I came back home from the hotel . Today my boss proposed me. He was so cute while talking to me about his feelings towards me.The first time I saw him I really dint have any good impression on him but as days passed by I really started liking him. I even noticed he trying to impress me at situations but I acted as if I dint know what he was doing. I have to do it I know I can't show any love towards anyone , I don't want to have any small life even to show any love to me. I am a bad omen.

25 years back
I was born, immediately lost my mum as there was a problem in labour. I was just an year old I lost my dad in an fire accident in factory.Later my mums Sister and granny took me to there place but the bad luck of mine dint stop there... my aunt and granny met with car accident in that I lost my entire family. I was just 5 yrs then.. all my far of relatives blamed me as a bad omen that if anyone loves me or stay close to me then itz sure they will die for that they said all sorts of words & blame for a small girl like me. I still get that scene in my dreams even to this day & scares me a lot & dint even bother to take care of me.

Some one just put me in one of the orphanage home and I grew there. Even there my life was not easy had to go thru lot of tough times as we grew we had to do lot of jobs so that we could earn our living. I worked at many shops, hotels and church buildings.
I had a passion for studying always wanted to go to school & aim higher.. one of the Church I worked in offered me a scholorship to study in there schools that's how I finished my university later with a help of my professor I found a sponsor for me to study my masters & today I am in this possession because of him.

Flash back ends....

As all this past incidents ran in my memory my eyes had tears by itself. I felt sad That when today when boss told me about his love I dint say anything. I dint want him to get attached to me . I dint want to give him any troubles because of my luck and in same time I dint want to tell him or anyone who dint know my past about me so I ran out from that place. I dint want anyone to know my past and show sympathy on me so I dint tell anything to him instead ran from there to avoid next scenes.

I don't know if it would impact my job. I wanted it badly I have to pay bills and make living. I also had to help orphanage home so that children like me can study.

Just closed my eyes with heavy heart to catch up sleep so that I could go to work if I still had after all what happened.

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