Arhans wish

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Arhan POV

After my parents found out about preethi and my Uncle being the reason for her great loss I was really sad and angry on the situations. My biggest fear now was how would preethi take it when she got to know about it .

Also I was able to get to know thru preethis professor about how she grew up after her aunt and granny left her. She also told me lots of situations she had to face as she was growing up ,how difficult it was for her to grow up, to get daily food and even to educate herself with out any support, facing many humiliations from her own relations there was some sharp unknown pain in me.

Also her professor mentioned to me that strong fear of losing the person she loves, had grown much more as she grew up and she started to detach from all and became more stubborn. Now her only taught was to get a good job and help the trust financially as it would help many people like her to get educated and give good life to kids.

I have now strongly decided that what ever happens would want to have preethi as my Wife give her all the love and care that she hadn't got in her life. I am only Hoping that preethi understands everything and will forgive our family and also accepts me from her heart.

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