1. A re-opening.

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As monsters and humans gathered around the new bar, The new "Grillby's", their excitement could not be contained. Shouts and yelps of excitement echoed throughout the crowd as the mayor and Grillby himself walked over to the giant red ribbon that spread between the building. The mayor attempted to give a poetic speech about the accomplishments that this bar will make, but the crowd payed more attention to a random drunk.

"LETS GET F@#$ING WASTED!" Roars of  cheering could be heard from miles away as the crowd tore through the ribbon like it was paper. The burning man dodged the crowd just in time as everyone enters the building, though the mayor was not so lucky. He was pushed into the bar like a dollar bill in the wind. Patrons filled up seats and stools as quickly as possible. The customers left with no seat sat at the outside tables. Grillby walked into the bar, slight panic on his face, and attempted to find the mayor. Eventually, he did find him. Sitting at a random table, dazed from the rag doll experience. Grillby and the Mayor had been friends about a week after monster kind had been freed from their imprisonment. They had grown close.

"This place seems, quite busy on its first day. Any idea why?" The mayor spoke, trying to regain his composure. Grillby let out a slight chuckle. "Well, I'm guessing that the monsters from Snowdin had spread the word of my bar and got everyone excited. I still don't know why people love this place so much though." Grillby spoke honestly. The mayor gotten up from his seat.

"Well I shall be going. I don't wanna hold you up with this busy work. Chao!" The mayor walked out the establishment with a grin on his face. The bartender could help but smile. But that smile soon turned into a slight frown, seeing the place crowded.  'This will be a long day.' Grillby thought, letting out a sigh in the process. "Ohhhhhhh wwaaiitteerr!!!" A woman yelled from a booth. 'Yep. Definitely going to be a long day.'

~~time skip. 30 minutes before closing~~

The crowd had subdued finally. Only about 4 patrons remained. With every one already served, Grillby absentmindedly grabbed a glass and began wiping it down with a white cloth. The day had indeed been eventful. Luckily, no fights had broken out all day. However, something, no...someone missing. As if on cue, the bell that notified the customers inside the building went off, and a short skeleton stood in the door frame.

"hey Grillbz! what's happenin?" The punny skeleton spoke from a crossed the room. The flaming bartender gave a smile as Sans walked up to his usual seat. "man. i saw how crowded this place was earlier so i decided to wait a bit. you musta been on 'fire'!" Two of the five remaining humans/monster giggled at the joke, Grillby being one of the few. Though it was more of a snicker, not a visible though. The bartender felt self conscious about it so he used his flames to hide it. "Your here quite late Sans. Any particular reason?" "ehh as i said, it was crowded so i waited a bit." "A bit? This place opened at 12 and we are closing at midnight. You waited about 11 hours." " lost track of time. you seem 'heated' about this." Grillby tried to not smile at the joke, but failed and let out a quiet laugh.

The two chatted until about 5 minutes before closing. Grillby escorted the final two customers out of the bar. He turned to Sans, who was asleep on the counter. Grillby walked over the the sleeping skeleton and attempted to shake him awake. Somehow, between the span of The bartender getting up and helping the final two customers out, to returning to the bar, Sans had feel into a deep slumber. Looking down at his friend, a smile spread onto Grillby's face. One not hidden by the flames. He looked so peaceful. Grillby did not want to wake his friend up, so the fiery man threw the skeleton onto his back and exited the establishment. Before making his way to the skelebrothers home, Grillby locked up the bar, then headed off. His shoes tapping on the sidewalk as his speed slightly increased. The sky became darker and darker. Not just with the growing night, but with storm clouds rolling in. The man started to slightly panic. Enough water could turn an fire elemental to dust. So Grillby began to slightly sprint. The things he does for his friend. Thankfully, Sans had informed his friend of his home as soon as him and Papyrus had moved in. 'A left, right, right,left, right, 1423' the directions the fire man continually repeated in his mind as he listened to them. 'Right,right,left,right 1423'  He was beginning to raise speed as the clouds rolled in quicker. 'Left,right, 1423' almost there. '1423' He has arrived.

It was a blue and red house, corresponding to the brothers favorite colors. Speed walking to the door, the elemental knocked politely on the door. A sleepy Papyrus answers the door. He looked tired, but that all disappeared once he saw his brother.


"MR. GRILLBY, WILL YOU BE OK WALKING BACK IN THIS STORM? YOU ARE MADE OF FIRE!" Grillby appreciated the concern. "No it's quite alright Papyrus. I can make it home before the storm." Concern was still all over Papyrus's face like words on a book. "ARE YOU SURE? YOU CAN STAY WITH US IF YOU NEED!" After a bit of convincing, the taller brother reluctantly agreed to let Grillby go. After a few good byes, Grillby took off. 'Remember, Right, left, right, right, left' The off duty bartender repeated as he sprinted back to the bar. 'Left,right,right,left...'*-5 Hp*. A look of pain crawled onto the panicked fire monsters face.*-5 Hp* *-10 Hp* *-5 Hp* Grillby continued to run and continued to get water burns. *-5 Hp* *-10 Hp* *-5 Hp* *-15 Hp* "I can't do this!" Grillby bolted into an ally way and found a small covering. A bit small but it would have to do. He ducked and fit his whole body into the small place.

*Hp 1460/1500

"Looks like I'm not leaving here soon." Keeping calm was the most important and crucial thing at the moment. If he were to panic, his flames would get hotter and the 'roof' (if you could call it that) was wooden. To much heat, even in a rain storm, it could burn through, leaving the trapped monster defenseless against the rain.

~~40 minutes of being trapped~~

This was hell. Grillby's spine (does he even have one?) was bent at an awkward angle, lots of water had leaked through, leaving him with 1000 Hp, and he was extremely tired. He did not want to sleep in the emergency of more water leaking through.

~~20 more minutes~~

This is it. He was falling asleep. He couldn't help it. His eyes grew heavy and they started to close. Just before he did, a figure looked down the alleyway and sprinted to Grillby. That's when his eyes closed.

The next hour was a blur. He was in a building. Familiar but not recognizable. A figure running around. Again,Familiar but not recognizable. After that hour, the injured elemental regained his thoughts. He was back in his bar, in a booth. A blanket was draped over him and the heat was blasting. The taste of sweet buns was also in his mouth. A sound startled Grillby, as he looked in the direction of the kitchen. There stood Sans, holding two warm sweet buns on a plate.

"Sans? What am I doing here? What are you doing here?" A sigh of relief escaped the skeletons mouth as he set the sweet buns down. "well paps told me that you brought me home after I woke up from this dream. and when i saw it was raining, i had to find you to check on ya." Purple flames outlined the flames of the bartender as he was silent. "brought your hp up too so no need to thank me." Sans continued, trying to keep a conversation. Silence filled the room. Often about a minute, Grillby spoke quickly. "Thank you." "hmm." Sans questioned. This time, the fire man spoke louder. "Thank you. You saved my life. I may not have made it out of there alive. You don't have to stay here anymore. You can go home." Grillby said as he began to stand up. He felt a boney hand on his heated one. His eyes meet with Sans's eye sockets.

"grillby. you risked your life just to get me home. im not leaving you here by yourself. i can teleport out of here wherever i please. i can take you home now." This was strange. The usual happy, pun loving skeleton was being dead serious. Grillby became even more purple as Sans has some blue. "It's ok Sans, my house is right above this bar, so I can go upstairs and unlock it. Go home your brother must be worried." "alright, just, call me if ya need anything." Sans teleported out of the building into his bed. Grillby also made his way to his bed. As the purple and blue was still stained onto each monsters face...
"Do I like him?"
"do i like him?"

1618 words. This seriously took me like 2 hours. It is 2 a.m and i started at 12. Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

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