The adventures of dragonBoy and FrostGir- BOY!

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I dare you guys to come up with your superhero name

Merida: Mines is The Archer!

Jack: *rolls his eyes* So original! Mines is Frost boy!

Merida: *mumbles* at least mines isn't frost boy

Jack: *glares at Merida*

Elsa: Um....SnowQueen?

Anna: Chocolate girl

Punzi: GoldenHero

Snow: DangerZone!

Everyone but Snow: ?

Snow: What? It's cool!

Hiccup: Uh.....I don't know......

Anna: *mumbles* I thought you were the smart one here....

Elsa: How about.....DragonMaster?

Hiccup: No....

Punzi: Boy with the dragon!

Hiccup: too long.....

Jack: DragonBreath?

Hiccup: Offensive

Anna: You might as well go with dragonBoy!

Snow: The adventures of DragonBoy and FrostGir-

Jack: BOY!

Snow: you sure because I read this book called 'The Adventures of DragonBoy and frost girl'

Merida: You read my book?

Elsa: I read it too! The ending was great

Punzi: Yeah! I loved the part where FrostGirl fell of a cliff!

Anna: I liked the part where frost girl was actually a boy.....

Jack: This book sounds terrible....

Hiccup: *Looking at Merida's book* Then how come ten million people read it?

Jack: -_- I hate life

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