What a wonderful day for dares!

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A/N: Thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it! and Looks like I'm continuing this! And also just to clarify this, I've been getting hate for the first few chapters on this book, Well let me just say, I was a dumb 13 year old writer, who knew nothing, so you cant expect me to instantly learn how to write. That is why my dear friends, Im going to rewrite the first few chapters.
QOTD: Whats your favorite book on Wattpad? (Cause I'm bored and need something to read >.<)

"I dare hiccup to ignore toothless for a week
I dare elsa to tell olaf he is annoying
I dare anna to dance with the duke of weaseltown (weselton)
I dare merida to act girly
I dare punzi to flirt with baymax
I dare olaf to eat his nose
I dare Hiro to flirt with all of the girls
I dare Jack to pretend to be Hiccup
I dare snow to supervise the dares to make sure everyone is actually doing them"


Jack: Im not acting like Hiccup

Hiccup: Im right here. . . .

Anna:*doing 'the tango' with the duke of weselton*

Duke Of Weselton: *continuously stepping on Anna's feet*

Punzi: Um. . . Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

Baymax: It is nearly impossible for me to fall from heaven without being dead, Therefore my answer is, I have never fell from heaven and if I did it would dearly hurt and cause death and blood.

Punzi: Uh, Okay. . .

~Mall (>.< Even though I hate it)~

Snow: *Dragging Merida to random stores*

Merida: My feet hurt!

Snow: Well who cares!

Merida: *groans*


Olaf: *Crying after eating his nose*

Elsa: Olaf. . Your annoying

Olaf: *Giggles*

Elsa: O-o That was easy!

~Outside with the fangirls of doom~

Hiro: *trying to flirt with a fan* Um. . .No. . . Wait. . . nevermind. . . Um. . . Uh . . .


Merida: *Wearing a dress and giggling with Rapunzel* {thinking: Kill me now}

Snow: Now. . . Jack you have a dare to do!

Jack: *Groans* Fine, but let me just say, I hate you

Snow: Hate you too, now do the dare

Jack: Before I start, Can't we all just take a moment to realize that we're all together and how lucky we a-

Everyone but Jack: Just do the dare!

Toothless: *Trying to get Hiccup to talk to him*

Hiccup: *Trying to ignore toothless*

Jack: Im Hiccup. . . Am i done now?

Rapunzel: Try again!

Jack: *Groans* I'll get my revenge Rapunzel. Im Hiccup Horrendous Haddock The Third, I have a dragon named Toothless. . .Am i done NOW?

Snow: NO! Try again!

Jack: *Glares at everyone*

Anna: *comes in with sore feet* He really knows how to kick. . . *awkwardly laughs*

Hiro: *comes in with lipstick all over his face* Worst . day . ever!

Jack: Now that we're all here! I think Baymax should tell us why it didn't hurt when he fell from heaven! *smirks and looks at Rapunzel*

Rapunzel: *Glares at Jack* This isn't fu-

Baymax: It did not hurt when I fell from heaven because it is theoretically untrue to fall from heaven without blood splattering everywhere. . . .

Everyone but Jack: uh. . .

Jack: Intresting. . . Tell us more details baymax!

Hiccup: please dont. . .

Baymax: *Shows everyone a picture*

Everyone but jack: OH GOD NO!

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