Acting out HTTYD

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I dare Everyone to act out HTTYD *First one* without Astrid,Snoutlout...All the HTTYD cast.

Hiccup: Ok my first rule.....Kristoff, here doesn't get a part!

Snow: Can I be toothless?!


Snow: Fine then ok Anna your astrid!

Anna: What? Why am I astrid? You should be Astrid your more dangerous....

Snow: Uh... No thank you... I don't want to kiss Hiccup! *shivers*

Anna: Why do I have to kiss him?!

Snow: Because I want a Hiccanna moment here!

Anna: B-but h-he......

Merida: There's no complaining just play your part!

Anna: b-but....H-Hiccanna?.....B-but

Punzi: Jack you'll be Snoutlout!

Jack: What?! We are nothing alike....

Everyone but jack: *laughs*

Jack: *Frowns* That's very hurtful....

Punzi: Who wants to be stoick?!

Everyone but Punzi: *backs away*

Punzi: Fine then....Uh....I guess I'll have to be stoick.....Merida your Ruffnut, Eugene your tuffnut

Merida: Elsa your gobber!

Elsa: (O_O)

Punzi: Olaf you'll be....Hoark and burnthair and phlegma the fierce.

Olaf: Yay I'm important!

Merida: *turns off the lights and turns on a flashlight* ACTION!

Hiccup: This is Berk. It's twelve days North of hopeless, and a few degrees south of freezing to death. It's located solidly on the meridian of misery.

*Scene changes to a small village nestled on an outcropping of sea mounts*

Hiccup: my village. In a word, sturdy. And it's been here for seven generations, but every single building is new. We have fishing, hunting and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problem are the pests.

~Minutes later~

Everyone: *staring at Hiccup and Anna*

Jack: Just kiss already.....

Anna: Can't I just punch him again?

Merida: Just kiss.....

Hiccup: Uh....

Anna: Heh....

Hiccup: Can uh.....We just skip this scene?

Snow: NO! *Grabs a camera* Proceed....

Anna: *looks at Hiccup* Uh....Um.....H-hi?

Hiccup: Hi....So...Uh...How you doing?

Anna: Uh....Great....Good.....Fantastic....I-I mean not right n-now b-because I have to k-kiss you...I-I mean not that I don't want to or anything b-but....y-you know it's kinda awkward....yeah....

Snow: *takes a picture* That's going on my profile pic! HICCANNA!

Jackson: I never seen her fangirl.....This is just scary......

Elsa: *clears her throat* Can you just kiss already?

Hiccup: *laughs awkwardly* Uh...C-can we j-just skip this scene? T-this really isn't an important scene.....

Punzi: *Takes a picture* My first pic for my Hiccanna scrapbook! NOW KISS!

Anna: W-wait! What if something bad happened? Then could we stop the scene?

Merida: well if it's really bad I guess we could....

Anna: Ok here goes nothing! Sorry Hic!

Hiccup: Wait what are you going to do? *gets punched In The face by Anna and screams*

Punzi: *takes a picture* Not the best photo but it's going on the cover!! *Jumps up and down* HICCANNA!

Jack: *Rolls his eyes* scrapbookers these days....

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