Chapter 45

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*If you see 'bc' anywhere, it's a shortened form of 'because'. Just a heads up.

iMessage POV

Martin: hi

Zoe: Hi :)

M: Can I tell you something

Z: Yes?

M: You shouldn't be awake

Z: You're so smart.

M: I know

Z: Can I tell you something?

M: Yes

Z: You shouldn't be awake either.

M: But here we are

Z: What do we do?

M: Swop nudes

Z: Bye.

M: No wait


What the fuck

Z: Pervert.

M: Did you roll your eyes

Z: Are you in my room?

M: Knew it

Z: You know too much about me and I don't know anything about you.

M: What do you want to know?

Z: How much time do you have?

M: Depends.

Z: On what?

M: Is that your first question seriously

Z: No!

M: So?

Z: Why do you wear black all the time?

M: Are you joking

Z: I'm going to bed, goodnight

M: It's my favorite color

Z: It's a tone not a color.

M: .

Z: Why are you always in a bad mood?

M: I'm not

Z: You are

M: Next question

Z: You can't skip questions!

M: But I answered it?

Z: Not properly.

M: You know what your problem is?

Z: What?

M: You like to hear what you want to hear.

Z: That doesn't make sense.

M: It does, and it's bc you like to be in control.

Z: That's not a bad thing!

M: It can be.

Z: You just like to have your own way.

M: Next question. I want a pass option too

Z: Fine, 3 passes only

M: 5

Z: 4

Garrix & Me (Martin Garrix Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now