Chapter 8

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**** Painting of Amb in m/m. August need to stop with all this crying. I am sick of crying everytime I see him cry at concerts. And then Travis came on stage to console him yesterday in Bama! * Martin voice * Damn, Damn, Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!****


I sighed and flickered my eyes open, as I heard Assata’s cries. I looked over at the clock which read 12:30 a.m. Nate still wasn’t home. This entire week he did this. I let it go, but this was not okay. We needed to talk about this.  

I got up and went to Sata’s room.

 “Aww Munch what’s wrong mama?” I picked her up and patted her back to calm her down.

“You stinky that’s why you crying.” I put my forehead to hers and she giggled wildly.

“Mmm-hmm. That’s why you making all that racket. Let Mama change you.” I laid her on the changing table and changed her diaper.

“That better?” I gave her a bright smile and tickled her stomach.

With an even brighter smile, she kicked her legs and flapped her arms up and down. I suppose she was telling me she agreed.

I picked her up and took her downstairs to get her bottle. I warmed it up and headed back upstairs to feed her when I heard the door open.

Nate came in and closed it behind him. He walked in like nothing happened.

“It’s 12:30.” I said as he walked up the stairs.

“Hey Munch.” He softly rubbed her head, then headed up the stairs.

“I know you hear me talking to you.”

“I can read the clock Amber.” He turned to me.

“Don’t you think you owe me an explanation?”

“I had a couple of drinks with a few Alderman. There.” He took off his suit jacket and disappeared up the stairs.

I looked up the stairs before following him. While that was very well possible, I didn’t believe him. However, my daughter was my priority at the moment, not arguing with him. So I went to her room to feed her.

Once I had gotten her back to sleep, I returned to the bedroom. Nate was in his boxers reading and drinking a glass of scotch.

“I hope you don’t think I believe that load of bullshit you just fed me.” I said getting underneath the covers.

“What reason do I have to lie?”

“So every day this week you’ve been with the alderman?”

“Yes.” He put his book down and turned to me.

“Whatever.” I turned off the light.

“I was reading.”

“Well I’m sleeping. Goodnight.”


I was sitting on the couch when the doorbell rang. I got up to get it and was met by my brother Travis.

We hadn’t spoken since the incident. He spent the summer after my graduation in Houston. And he had his own apartment now, so we didn’t come in contact with each other.  

He looked at me with a sour expression, then walked in.

“Mama.” He called out walking to the back of the house.

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