Chapter 20

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**** I don't think Wattpad alerted some people I updated Chapter 19 yesterday. If you haven't read it, you can do so. 

That pic of Aug and Nicki where he hooked up to the breathing machine. That was so sweet of Nicki and he looks so adorable. But I hate seeing him like that. I'm just glad to know though that he's alive and recovering.  My prayers are still up. Keep yours up too!

Aug and his mother in the m/m ****


“Travis scoot over you squishing me.” Muk yelled out in her strong NOLA accent.

“Lay off the cookies and ice cream, then we’ll have more room.” He scooted closer to her in the backseat to make room for the others getting in.

“Travis boah you testing me. Been saying lil jokes the whole damn flight.” She shook her head and clenched her fist irritated.

“August how I’m supposed to fit in here?” Stacy looked in the backseat.

I was picking up Muk, Trav, Stacy, my mother and grandmother from the airport and they all had to fit in Cha’s Audi.

“It’s plenty of room. Right here on daddy lap.” Travis patted his lap, indicating for Stacy to sit.

Stacy got in and slapped him upside his head.

“Oooo Girl you better be glad I like it rough otherwise I’d…”

My mother looked at him while standing on the curb, waiting to get in.

“Sorry Mama.” He swallowed and sat back.

“Shelia you sit up front. I’mma sit back here with the kids.” My grandmother said.

“Naw Mama you take the front seat so you can stretch your legs.”

“I don’t like sitting in the front. If it’s an accident, the passenger always the first one to die. I ain’t ready to go yet.” She looked at Stacy. “Baby scoot over.”

Stacy gave a disgusted face and scooted closer to Travis, who was laughing at what my grandmother just said.

My mother gave him another look, then he immediately stopped laughing and looked out the window.

My mother got in the front seat.

My grandmother got in and they all squeezed close together in the back enough to close the door.

Travis put his arm around Stacy.

“Move your hand.”

“This so we can have more room.” He scooted closer to her.

 “August.” Stacy looked at me through the mirror.

“Bruh you might want to move your hand.” I thought back to when Stacy whooped my ass.

 “Muk should’ve been in the front. Just one of her butt cheeks  take up half the car.” Travis sucked his teeth and put his hands in his lap.

“Travis say one more thing.Ooooo I swear mayne.” Muk warned.

“Or what?” He put his chin up to her ‘like do something.’

She started laughing. “I’m not playing with you today.”

 “When we get to see the baby?” My grandmother asked looking in her purse.

“Tomorrow Nana.” I adjusted my mirrors.

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