Chapter 52

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**** Another thing I wrote came to life lol. Aug posted a picture on Instagram saying after he took that pic with Usher he threw up and almost missed Ush shoes. Did I not just write that about him and Dominic? See I know my baby’s life! lol

NATE in the m/m. For y'al who don't know, he's in the movie Beyond The Lights. Go support***


Dan had asked me to come into the office. I thought it was a bit weird because he knew I wasn’t going to be working while I was working on Aug’s case. I came into the office to find a woman sitting on the other side of his desk.

“Umm Amber this Norma. Norma, Amber.” She stood up and shook my hand.

“I’m Dr. Maraj’s nurse. Well, I was. Until…well you know.” She gave a slight uncomfortable chuckle.  

I was thinking in my mind, No I don’t know. Cause she didn’t ruin your life half of how she ruined Aug’s.

“Is there a reason I was called in here Dan?” I looked at him, not knowing her intent. She could be here to back this lady up for all I know. And Aug wasn’t here so if I had to throw down again, I would just have to do so.

“Well I came because Dr. Maraj was staying with me. I went to the hospital with her. Po’ lady ain’t got no family.

I was mentally rolling my eyes. I didn’t care or feel sorry for this lady.

“I don’t mean to be rude ma’am, but I’m sorta busy.”

“Oh…oh I’m sorry. I don’t mean to keep you. It’s just she was staying with me and well last night she came home all upset. And she confessed everything to me. Just cried and told me everything.”

“Mm-hmm.” I looked down annoyed like please get to the point.

“I think it’s a shame what she did. So I got this for you, and I reported her to the board as soon as I woke up this morning.” She handed me a USB drive. “Everything is on there to clear that boy’s name.”

“I appreciate this, what did you say your name was again?”


“I appreciate this Norma.”

“There is one more thing I asked her to do.”

“And what was that?”

“Hold on a sec.” She left out.

I looked at Dan and smiled.

“I guess now we can get that hearing.” He smiled back.

We high fived each other.

My whole mood came crashing down as Dr. Maraj emerged through the door.

“You apologize to that lady for ruining her family. It’s alright to be hurt, but you ain’t got to hurt other people.”

She came toward me and hugged me, crying on my shoulder. I just stood there, not moving.

She stepped back.

“I’m so lost Amb. I…I…” She threw her hands up in frustration because she couldn’t get the words out.

And at that moment, all I saw was Nate. How at a first brush with Nate you saw this pompous, arrogant asshole. But if you really looked at his life, you would be amazed at how he kept going.

I don’t know all of Dr. Maraj’s story and deep down, I didn’t care. But I knew Nate’s story. I knew what I seen in his life. And I told myself that all we are, are walking stories of hurt and pain and not everyone is able to channel it positively.

IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES Book 2Where stories live. Discover now