Chapter 16

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I Slowly walked to the gravestone and placed a White rose on top of it.

All my emotions starting to bubble up Inside me. All of my past starting to break to the surface, my memories gasping for air. I never did get to say goodbye to her. Or at least, she didn't hear me... No! This is no time for a break down. I have to stay strong! Alice would have wanted that.

I felt Elsa's eyes on me so I tilted my head around to look at her. Her face was unbelievably saddened as she gazed straight into my eyes. Her blue eyes felt as if they could pierce into my very soul.

"Jack, I am so sorry. I couldn't even imagine how..." She stopped herself from speaking then looked down at gravestone. Tears welled up In her magnificent blue eyes. "Actually, maybe I can. Or at least I'm starting to..." She looked so beautiful, even when incredibly sad.

I turned to face her. Has she given up hope of returning to her sister already? "Don't ever say that!"

Her head did not move. Her eyes still cast down at the old faded stone that stood at the foot of what once was a garden.

I lifted my hand and placed it under her chin then tilted her head up so I could look her directly in the eyes

"I am going to get you back to your sister. She is going to be alright, I promise."

"How can you be so certain?" She asked, voice filled with sadness and self doubt.

"Because, She has a sister like you. Brave, Powerful and loyal! And despite what you're saying at the moment, You are not going to give up till she is safe. I know this." I answered steadily.

She pulled her Head away from me then turned back to the gravestone.

"How do you know she won't end up like your sister, if she hasn't already!" She whispered so quietly, nodding to the faded gravestone.

"We can only hope she ends up like my dear Alice did." I sighed.

Her hand flew across my face, slapping me hard enough that it stung.

"How dare you talk about my sister in that way! You emotionless rat!!" She cried.

Her outburst shocked me. Why was she so angry? Me, emotionless? Hardly. Then the realization of my words hit me. Immediately I felt guilty for what I just said. "Elsa I am sorry that's not what I meant."

She crossed her arms angrily. "Then what did you mean?" She spat.
She turned her back to me and started to walk away.

"My sister had A wonderful life." I began to speak. Elsa turned around and raised an eyebrow at me. "She grew up, found love, got married had 6 beautiful children, then 15 amazing grand children. She was the happiest soul that walked the earth. She had her happily ever after. "

I smiled back at the memories of it all. Even though she couldn't hear me or see me I was always there for her. Watching over her. I looked up to the sky and smiled, I know she is watching over me now. I could feel it.

I looked back down at Elsa who was now at my side. I took in a breath before speaking again. "And when she died, she passed away surrounded by the people she loved, and who loved her. Including me, even though she couldn't see me, I was there."

She smiled up at me. Then did something very unexpected. She grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. Her cold hands were warm against my equally cool skin.

"That is all anyone could ever ask for. And if Anna had at least half the life that your sister lived, she would be one lucky girl!"


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