Chapter 1

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1014 AD

"Be strong." I told my reflection. It was the same thing I told it everyday after I placed my sisters crown upon my head.

The sounds of cannon fire echoed into the palace.

The castle walls would not hold much longer. The troops were freezing, despite my best efforts to provide warmer uniforms.

Gigantic Viking ships surrounded the port of the city. Floating just on the edge of the frozen bay.

I pulled on a warmer fur cloak and headed down to the stables to feed Sven, with all the servants either fighting, cooking for the army or tending the wounded, there was nobody else around to care for the soft brown reindeer.

I poured water, kept from freezing over the warm stable fire, into his water trough. Then tossed several carrots into his bucket. I stroked his soft brown fur as I watched him hungrily bite into the orange vegetables.

Your the only one left. I thought to myself, fighting back the tears I had buried down for the people sake.

Elsa gone, Kristoff gone, even Olaf... Dead, all of them.

I thought back to that day, mere weeks ago.

"Elsa don't go!" I cried out to my sister over the sound of the ringing bells of a panicked city.

I stood in the palace garden, flailing my arms frantically.

"Anna Iv got to, I must climb the mountain and use my powers to drive the ships back, it's our only choice, we've got to do something before they land." She called back, already running, pointing back to the bay which was covered by thick blanket of fog, so thick we could only see black ship masts poking out here and there.

"She will be ok, don't worry." Olaf my snowman "sidekick" tried to reassure me.

Kristoff assembled the troupes, most of them boys, just younger then myself. Arendale was a country of peace, not war. We were not prepared.

"Anna, lock Sven in the barn please, or he will be eaten by these barbarians." My sort of courtier asked of me.

I dragged the reindeer along, it wasn't easy. He wanted more then anything to be at his masters side. Olaf hopped beside us, trying his best to calm me down.

I locked him in a pen, and ran back to the garden, my braided red hair flying out behind me.

I heard a loud crack in the distance.

Elsa! I just knew it was something to do with her!

"Olaf wait here."
I told the small snow creature.

My heart pounded in my chest as I raced up the castle stairwell, up and up till I was in the highest point of the castles tower, Elsa's room.

I looked out the window and gasped in fear of what I saw. Elsa my beloved sister was barley visible, a tiny blue dot on the side of the white mountain. She climbed up the mountain side, using her ice powers to hurry along.

We were to late, the Vikings had landed. A hoard of them now chased Arendales queen up the side of the snow capped mountain.

She was running for her castle of ice.
Which still stood gleaming on top of the mountain.

"Kristoff, the Vikings are chasing Elsa up the mountain!" I leaned over the edge if the tower window and screamed as loud as I could.

His eyes widened at the realization they had landed.

"I need the hunting gaurd now!" He barked for the on horseback guardsmen.

He placed his fingers to his lips and whistled loudly, a commotion arose in the barn and Sven came running. He must have jumped the gate.

I watched terrified as kristoff galloped away with the armed horsemen.

Up the side of the mountain they rode, Sven easily outrunning the horses, he was yards ahead.

The castle was a Distant blur, but I thought I made out the Vikings trying to break down it's solid ice doors.

Kristoff and Sven had almost reached the castle, dodging enemy arrows and spears as they rode.

A loud Boom rang out from the Bay, and I watched as the ice palace crumbled to the ground with Elsa inside.

Blue swirling energy spit out from the remants of the castle and covered the entire land in ice and snow, Arendale had frozen over once more.

My heart felt as if it had ripped in half and tears stung at my cheeks.

The falling ice caused an avalanche, burying the Vikings alive.
Kristoff saw and quickly turned Sven around, but the snow was too fast....

My horsemen returned to me, dragging a besides himself Sven along with them, but no Kristoff.

I ran down the stairs and wrapped my arms around the reindeers neck, spilling hot wet tears into his fur.

"No Olaf, this can't be happening they can't be gone, Elsa can't be gone."

No reply.

"Olaf?" I asked again, sure that He was beside me.

I looked down and what little shards of my heart was left, shattered even further.

I knew my sister was truly dead, for beside my feet was a normal inanimate snowman.

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