Defrosted Contest

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Hey guys! New chapter will be up tonight.
Just wanted to apologize for the wait. How many of you have seen the new Deadpool movie and have a working knowledge of the Marvel universe?

Would anything here be interested in writing a Colossus X Angel Dust fanfiction?
Because after seeing the movie... I really REALLY ship it. I would write it myself but that would take time away from writing this and I really don't wanna do that to you guys.
(Plus it would be nice to actually read something I didn't write myself.)

Let's have a contest, I'll even make your covers for all entries. (Comment below with a title)

Winner gets an all expenses paid trip to Hawaii!
(Hah.... just kidding)
You will get a lifetime supply of book covers made by yours truly. (Trained professional)
A month long feature in BOTH my sister and I's profiles. (We have quite a following so HUGE exposure) also a mention in an upcoming chapter of Defrosted.

Comment below if you want to enter!
(Also, all entries get a custom cover of for any other 1 book)

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