
415 23 10

I doubt anybody will read this or no one will listen but I really enjoy writing this story yet I feel as if nobody reads it. Then I check the views and find out however many people have read it but not one bothers to vote or comment. Like I always remember and vote for chapters and try and be active but for me this isn't really going anywhere. I feel as if I waste my time writing sometimes because it never gets any attention. I mean I know my book isn't like after or some shit but at least if you are reading it then give me feedback or vote if you liked it. I really don't wanna have to delete this story or not continue on because I really want to but what's the point when no on is even paying attention to it anyway?

I feel like this entire note is pointless tbh because nobody's gonna notice it but I wanted to get it off my chest.

Okay bye

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