Chapter 15 The Motorway to Fame

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Absolute Star

Chapter 15 The Motorway to Fame


~Sunday 19:37~

The song was put on the internet as soon as I had finished recording it. On YouTube, I had twenty-thousand (!!) views in the first twenty-four hours, and one-hundred and twenty-seven people had already followed me. Four hundred likes on my Facebook page, and so much more! Since there was a blog about me, I decided to write in it. The White Agency gave me a complimentary Mac book air, which I had been trying to save up for! But when I went on the website, I found that someone had already written in it.

Hey everyone!

I’m Amy Star, you might have heard my debut, From Me to You. This is the official blog, so you’ll keep being updated with my everyday life. There’ll be gossip, secret stuff, and exclusive chats with D’Arc Angels! I’ll also be chatting with the K-See, and Neutral Boy! 

Firstly, I want to thank everyone who went to my first live concert! To be honest, it wasn’t even a concert, and it was free. Anyone who was in the Petraville central square whilst I was singing, you got lucky! I was also with Neutral Boy, and even signed for some eager fans. Thank you everyone who went, it was a great experience! I sang The One Who Got Away by the famous and beautiful Katy Perry. She’s someone I’ll always look up to, no matter what happens to her.

Here’s an update on my first real live concert:

London - 22nd September, O2 Arena, 18:30

Please try and come, it’d be great! To buy tickets, simply click on the ‘buy tickets’ link at the side and fill in the form. We’ll send you the tickets by mail, please be patient!

So, until next time everyone,

Amy Star xxx


I gritted my teeth, gulping. I wasn’t the one who wrote this! I left it, deciding to make a new signature. I tried a couple, but none seemed to spark much interest. So I went down to Peter’s room and asked him for help.

“Hey Amy.”

“Hi. Could you help me decide which signature is best? My usual school signature is pretty dull, as I realised yesterday.”

“Sure.” He took the pile of paper I had practised signatures on and looked through them. “This one’s really good. Simple but effective. It’s easy to do, but it look’s like a big effort.” He handed me the piece with my name slanted with a star. “Plus it’s your real name!”

“Thanks a lot Peter! You were great help,” I replied, running back to my room. I did a couple of copies before heading to bed. School tomorrow… I was gonna have to face a very angry Ray!

~Monday 08:35~

“Oi Amy, I saw you on YouTube last night. You’re such a terrible singer!” Lola spat.

“Thanks for your compliment. I’ll take it nicely, okay?” I heard her mutter a certain ‘b’ word before putting her feet up on her desk. However some of the other girls looked like they wanted to kill me.

“Waa Amy you could’ve at least called!” Ray bawled, running into the classroom. For once, I was actually early.


“As a proper apology, you have to let me come visit your apartment! Ooh and let me watch you sing! Also let me see the pictures you’ve taken!”

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