Chapter 33

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Jack's pov.

I wish I could turn back the hands of time. I'm really ashamed of myself. I've never been hung over a girl before,but Amy's case is different. I couldn't stop thinking of how I messed up. I let my feelings control me. I don't think she would ever forgive me. She has the right not to. I haven't been able to go to work for days. How would I show up at work looking like a pig?

I love being respected. I'm so messed up. My house is in a mess. Its really stinking. I haven't had a proper sleep in days. I've been drinking myself to stupor. I thought drinking would take my mind off her but it's getting worse. I just hope no one sees me this way. I don't even care anymore about what anybody thinks. The only person I'm thinking about now is Amy Johnson. I don't know what she did to me but it's working.

I need to stand up and win her back but how do I go about it? She doesn't want to see me,she made that very clear to me the last time. I love her and I won't just sit down here and expect a miracle to happen. I need you Amy Johnson. I just hope I wont be late. I need you.

Knock! Knock!! Knock!!! 

Who could that be? I'm not ready to see anyone.

"Who is it." I asked.

"It's mum."

What! Mum. What is she doing here?

"Mum what are you doing here?" I asked,angrily.

"Don't be silly and come open the door for me. Can't I come and see my son?" She asked.

"Ohk. I'm coming." I said,wearily.

Opening the door, she scrunched her nose in disgust.

"What is going on here? Why does your house look as if you entertained pigs and why do you look like youre going to die? Is everything alright? She asked checking the house.

"Come in first. I'll answer your questions." I said.

After telling her what happened,she looked at me like I'm a psycho.

"Is that the reason you wanna kill yourself. You messed up and so what? We all make mistakes." She said, looking at me in disbelief.

"Mum,this is beyond mistake. I really fucked up. I really love her. If you don't like her,you'll have to deal with it. I need to make things right with her but she doesn't want to talk to me. I've tried calling but she hasn't returned any of them. Mum it's killing me. I said tearfully.

"Hmmm. This is the first time I'm  seeing you like this because of a woman. I wonder what she did to you. Give me her number." She says stretching forth her hand to me.

"Why would I do that? What are you up to? I asked, searching her face for what she was planning.

"Just give it to me." She said, still stretching forth her hand.

Next day.

Another day without Jack. Another day filled with regrets. Another day of sadness. Another day alone. Why did you do this to me Jack? Was loving you a crime? Why did you make loving you difficult? I thought we had our perfect love life. Why did you lie to me? You said you loved me. I've tried to forget you but its not working. I miss the little time we shared. It's so funny how I still want to be in your arms after what you did. What did you do to me Jack? If someone had told me a month ago that this was how we were going to end,I would had been very angry with them.

I need to stop crying. I need to do things that make me happy. Calling the girls would make me selfish. They were here with me yesterday. I guess it's going to be me,myself and I.

Ring! Ring!! Ring!!!

I hope this isn't one of Jack's calls. I really wanted to pick them and say 'I've forgiven you' but that's going to be too sudden. You need to feel how sad I am right now.

Unknown number. Again? "Hello" I said,not minding who it is.

"Is this Amy Johnson?" The person asked.

"Yes" I said,wondering who could be calling me early this morning.

"This is Mrs Anderson,Jack's mother. I need to talk with you."

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