Chapter 28

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On getting to his house, I see his car packed on the porch which means he is around.


A step left from reaching his entrance door, I was still thinking if I should knock or just barge in on him. I wouldn't like it if someone barged in on me so I was left with only one thing to do.

Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!

Waiting patiently for the door to be opened,I decided to call him again hoping that this time,he would answer the call but I was wrong. It's still switched off.

Out of impatience, I knocked again,harder this time. 10seconds passed and the door wasn't opened. So I used my own key to open the door. Thank God we decided to give each other our spare keys. It's really came in handy. If I didn't have it,I would just be standing here knocking until my knuckles would get sore.

Opening the door,the first thing I notice is how messy the sitting room is. His clothes are littered everywhere. But one thing caught my eye. A feminine pair of slippers. If there's something I know about Jack is that he doesn't wear feminine slippers. No guy does that, so why would it be here?

Calm down Amy,it's just a pair of slippers.

The fact that he didn't answer the door and his sitting room is messy only means one thing. He is tired and probably sleeping in his room.

Uh...Yea....go left..........hmmm...yea........that's the spot. What the hell is that? Did i just hear.......

Amy calm down.

That's a lady's voice I just heard. Oh God,let it not be what I'm thinking. I decided to confirm my suspicions by opening the door where I heard the lady's voice from. And I saw the most annoying and most disgusting thing ever. I saw Jack and the lady I guess that owns the pair of slippers I saw earlier in a very compromising position. She was laying on HIS BED naked with her legs wide and his head was inbetween her legs giving her oral sex.

I didn't know to do. Cry. Laugh. Runaway. Kill someone. I just didnt know. So I did what I normally see in most movies. I left them to continue with what they were doing. It was actually stupid of me to barge in on them. I ran out of his house as quickly as I could.
Being in his house was just suffocating me. I couldn't breathe. I didn't know what to think. I still couldn't believe what I just saw.

"Amy,please wait. Let me explain." I heard him say. Hearing that,I ran faster until I got to the car I came with but he was faster than I was because his hand was already on the driver's door handle.

"What do you want Jack? I need to go home." Why am I sounding nice? To hell with you LOVE.

"Please just wait." He said looking at me with pity and sadness in his eyes. What the hell was he trying to do? The days of me falling for those pity faces are over.

"Wait for what?" I asked ,trying my possible best to sound very mean.

"Let me explain PLEASE." He said,emphasizing on the please.

"There's nothing to explain. Last I checked,I wasn't blind so I think I'm very sure I know what I saw back there. You're a fucking liar." I said,trying to take in the tears that were about to drop. The last thing I wanted is for him to see me cry. He would then know how soft I am. I didn't even wait for him to say any other thing,I removed his hand forcefully from the door handle,got in and drove off not looking back.

Why didn't I see this coming? I was so busy loving him that I forgot to ask him questions about his past life. I was blinded by the most stupid and most dangerous four letter word. LOVE.

How could he abandon a lady that was carrying his child? That's the most cowardly thing I've ever heard. To make things worse, he changed his number and his house address. That's fucking heartless.

I still can't put everything together. This is the most heartbreaking news I've ever received in a while. So I've been dating a father. A fuckboy. A playboy. So that means Rose was right. This is by far the most stupid thing I've ever done. I've never been fooled by a male specie before.

There's a first time for everything.

Something like this shouldn't have a first time. It should never had happened in the first place. Now i understand  when people say that love is sweet and at the same time, it's bitter. A playboy would always be A playboy. There's nothing like changing the playboy. It's just wastage of time.

He just wanted me for the sex. Why didn't I see this coming? I was still thinking about everything that I didn't know when I pulled over at Lily's house.

I didn't have the strength to leave the car. All the energy I had was gone. The happiness in me was gone. All because of Jack. I hate myself right now.


Gathering all the strength that was left in me,I finally came out of the car. Heading towards the entrance door, I didnt know when I broke down again. I tried to hold it in but I guess I didn't have the strength for that. I was too busy with crying that I didn't hear Lily's footsteps coming towards me. I guess she heard my loud cry.

"OMG Amy,calm down. Tell me what happened?"

I'm crying right now😭😭😭.
Poor Amy😖😖
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