Chapter 2

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I didnt know that i had missed out of a lot of things. It became so difficult for me. And being a science student didnt even help matters. I thought of going back to my old self because i couldn't cope. I had to retake alot of test. At some point,I cried.

My friends Mara and Sara helped me. Oh yea I had good friends. They always adviced me. When i came back to my senses,they were still there for me. They helped me to copy my notes. They helped me get prepared for every test I had to write. And they also disciplined me. They took away my phones and laptop. I never knew people like this still existed in this life.

Although I didn't graduate with them but I was happy that it wasn't too late for me to buckle up. I graduated with the set after them. I was embarrassed and ashamed of myself. The news that went round was "the school's whore is a dullard". It really got to me but i had to move on. I had a goal which I wanted to achieve.

I successfully graduated from high school. Although it wasn't with a very good grade but I passed. I got into college. It was very difficult for me to adapt to everything. Things were more difficult for me. I always fell sick due to stress.

My roommates didnt even help me. They were like me in high school. Parties,Clubs and the likes. They were always at every party. They smoked,they drank. They brought different guys everytime. I felt so concerned. I didn't want them to go through what I went.

In my own time,I had friends who talked and advised me. It's my turn to talk to them. We only live once doesn't mean we should destroy ourselves. Every night when they came back wasted,I tried to talk to them but I got insults of different kinds. I didn't get angry cause that was exactly what I did to Mara and Sara. Maybe even worse. Some times I slapped them but they still came back.

I didn't give up on my roommates. Their names were Lily and Georgia. Lily was from a very wealthy background. Her parents spoilt her a lot. They didn't even care about her welfare. The only thing they knew was to fill up her account with money. And for that reason,she has a lot of friends. She organised alot of parties. She was barely seen in class.

Georgia on the other hand was from a normal background. Her parents were neither poor nor rich. But she wanted everything. At first year, her grades were 👍👍 but when she became close friends with Lily, it went to👎👎.

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