Chapter 16

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"I didn't bring it" I said sadly.

"I'm sorry ma'am but you can't be interviewed without your CV,maybe you can come another time. You don't need to feel sad,I'm sure you'll get the job." He said.

"Thank you sir" I said.

And with that,I left the waiting room in sadness. How could I forget the most important thing that is needed for an interview? "Amy". "Amy". Who is this Amy that doesn't want to answer her name? "Amy Johnson" I heard the person call out again. That's my name. Who could I possibly know in this kind of place?

"Amy Johnson" I heard my name being called again, I turned back and saw Lily. That means she still remembers me,is that a good or bad thing?

"Hi Lily" I said.

"Just hi? I haven't seen you in a long time and you're saying hi." She said,and immediately she pulled me into a hug.

"Are you here for the interview?" I asked her

"No,I'm not. I own this place" she said

🙄🙄🙄🙄Whatttt!!! Did I just hear that? She must be joking.

"Did you just say you own this place?" I asked her to very sure.

"Yes I did. You don't need to act surprised. Where were you going to?" She asked me

"I was going back home. I came here for the interview but I forgot my CV and it's not possible for me to be interviewed without my CV." I said.

"Don't worry about that. You can start work next week but before that,we have a lot of things to talk about." She said.

"Um,I didn't quite get what you just said" I said.

"Don't be ridiculous. I said you can start work next week." She said.

"OMG Lily, you just saved a life. Thank you so much." I said.

"No problem. Do you mind if we could catch up on old times like right now?" She asked.

"Yea. No problem." I said happily.

"Thank you because I haven't had time for myself because of my son and it's beginning to tell on my attitude towards the workers." She said.

"Oh,you're married. That's great." I said.

"Actually I'm not" she said.

"Lily I don't understand." I said sounding very confused because i am.

"That's why I said we need to catch up on old times. I'm sure there are a lot of things I need to know about you. For example, why you,Amy Johnson,doesn't have a job." She said.

"Oh,yea. That's true." I said.

So it turned out its her parents that built the pharmacy for me. According to them,they wanted her to work and earn her own money. And shockingly,she isn't actually married. The child she has is due to 'her stupidity' according to her.

She met the guy at a coffee shop and they were together for just a month and then one thing led to another and when he found out that she was pregnant,he abandoned her. She couldn't get across to him,he changed his phone number and he wasn't living where she knew him to be living. All he needed was the sex but she didn't see it early enough. She thought he really loved her. She thought she had her perfect love life.

I wouldn't blame tho because we ladies are vulnerable when it comes to things like this. And I just pray that I won't be singing the same song. And the painful thing is that her son is 1year old,even though she has the money to take care of him,his father is meant to be there to help out with anything. I don't know if I should say I pity her because she seems quite happy right now.

So right now I'm on my way home to change because Jack called me some minutes ago saying that he is on his way to my house. I still think it's not necessary for me to get a new dress🤔🤔😠.

Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!

Finally,he is here.

Seeing his face right now is reminding me of Lily's story. If one thing leads to another and we end up dating, I don't want to end up like that. I just hope he is different although he doesn't look different.

"So are you ready?" He asked

"Yes I am" I said.

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