Chapter 19

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Day of family reunion.

I wish I never had to wake up today. I wish I could skip this day. I get to meet Jack's extended family,people that might not like me. I wish I could call and tell him that I'm sick but that would be selfish of me.


I didn't enjoy taking a shower today because my mind kept wandering off to the fact that something that I wouldn't like might happen. I just have like 2hours to get ready,that's enough time for me. Considering the dress that Jack bought,I can't carry my bare face there. The dress requires a very lovely but subtle kind of makeup. Thank God that I learnt some makeup skills from Mya and Lauren. There were times when we were to make presentations individually at work and according to them, I have to dress and look smart. So I had no choice than to learn their skills. I wouldn't say I'm perfect but at least I know how to apply the foundation properly.

That's exactly what I'm trying to apply but it's proving difficult. I keep applying too much of it on my forehead and then making it look like the sun is directly reflecting on my forehead. I'm trying to draw my brows but it's looking like a sickle. Why is it today of all days that my makeup decides to be a disaster? And I'm running out of time.

After an hour of cleaning my previous disasters that people would call makeup,I finally got it right and it looks ok,that is, not too good and not too bad. Right now I'm trying to fit into the dress but it seems like it's trying to kill me. I can't breathe properly and my boobs are looking so big and I don't like it because it's going to give Jack the opportunity to be looking at my chest anytime and everytime.

Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!

That should be him. At least I'm ready,almost ready tho. Holding my shoes in my hands,I rush off to open the door. He looks so................Jacky.

"Hi" I say.

"Um,you look so beautiful. I knew that this dress would do the magic." He said.

I tried to hide my blush but I guess it didn't work because he is giving me this "let it out" look and I had no other choice than to let it out.

"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself. You know you're still standing outside right?" I asked.

"Oh,yeah. So are you ready?" He asked.

"Yea I am. I just need to wear my shoe."I said.

In the car.

"How far is your parent's house?" I asked him because i needed to be sure how much time I have to give myself some pep talk before we get there.

"It's a 20minutes drive but if there's going to be any traffic,we might spend 30-45minutes. Are you ok?" He asked.

"I guess so. I'm just nervous. I don't want to disappoint you nor your family. I don't want them to think bad of me. Me going there reminds me of my parents although I barely talk with them." I said.

"It's ok to be nervous. You can hold my hand if you want to." He said.

Should I? He might take it as an opportunity to start doing stupid things.

"Ok" I said and then held his hands. His hands felt so soft. I thought all men have hard hands,why is his own different?

"Hey Amy,we're here. Wake up." I heard someone say.

"Amy, Amy, Amy" I heard the person talk again.

"Yea,I'm up. I'm sorry." I said with sleep still in my eyes.

"What are you sorry for? It's obvious that you needed the sleep so I couldn't deprive you of that." He said.

"Thanks. Why are you sounding so sweet?" I asked him.

"That's the way i am. Anyways we're here. So are you ready?" He asked me.

"Yea,I guess so." I said.

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