Chapter 20

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So Jack was trying to be a gentleman. He opened the door for me and helped me out of the car. Sweet. We're few steps away from the entrance door. It feels like my leg is stuck to the floor and my heart is beating faster than normal.

"Are you sure you're ready? If you're not,we could go back home." He said.

"I'm not ready but I don't want to go back home. I don't want to disappoint you. " I said.

"Ok" he said.

Jack's pov

If I say I'm not scared,I would be the greatest liar on earth. I haven't seen my parents in a while and now the Anderson's are all coming. My mum is going embarrass me by asking irrelevant questions concerning Amy that I'm very sure I wouldn't want to answer.

Entering into the house, the first person I see is my elder brother,Josh. We aren't so close but when it comes to girls,we are inseparable.

"Hey bruh,how far?" He asked me and at the same time, checking Amy out.

"I'm good" I answer giving him the 'take your eyes off her' look.

"So who's this babe?" He whispered to me but I'm very sure that Amy heard him loud and clear.

"Mind your business" I said.

Approaching towards the main living room,I see my mum. Time for the question and answer section.

"Jack honey,I thought you weren't going to show up. How are you?" She asked me.

"Mum I'm fine. There's no way I would had missed this family reunion,no matter how busy I was." I said.

"So are you going to introduce me to the beautiful lady beside you? Or should I do the questioning?" She asked me.

"Oh,I forgot. Mum this is Amy Johnson, my..........girlfriend" I said.

I didn't even know when that came out of my mouth. All the while,Amy didn't say anything or make any move but when I said 'girlfriend', she tried to remove her hand from mine. She didn't seem happy but what would I had done?

"Is that true,my dear?" My mum asked her.

"Yes ma'am" she answered my mum.

"Jack,can I talk to you privately?" My mum asked me.

"Uh,yes." I said. This doesn't sound good.

Amy's pov.

I'm still in great shock to what I just heard. I knew that everything won't go as planned. How can he call me his girlfriend? What was he thinking? And the way his mum was looking at me, isn't a good thing. And now,she went to talk with him privately. I don't know if I'll be stupid to say this but I've watched alot of movies and when the guy introduces his girlfriend to his parents and they call him for private talk,I doesn't always end well. It's not like I want to be his girlfriend or anything but............😟😟😟😞😞

Jack talking with his mum.

"So mum,what do you want to talk to me about?" I asked her.

"Is that girl really your girlfriend?" She asked me.

"Yes. Why are you asking?" I asked her.

"Nothing. I just hope your relationship with her ends with her being your girlfriend." She said.

"I don't understand mum" I said.

"What don't you understand? What I'm trying to say is you can't marry her." She said.


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