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I went back home somewhat expecting Minghao to be sitting down on the couch to greet me back home but, he wasn't. I was back home around lunchtime, today I was only scheduled one class so I got a half-day today. But I do remember overlooking Minghao's paper and saw his first lesson started at lunchtime. I sighed in defeat, I wasn't going to see Minghao until later on in the afternoon.

I put on my favorite apron and made my way into the kitchen to make myself a quick lunch. I plated the food onto my dish and squeezed some fruit juices together to make this smoothie.

I then went to the empty living room and sat down in front of the TV and placed my plate on the small table and ate my creations.

Other than Pororo (Kids show) playing in the background I felt really lonely and antsy. I guess this is how dogs feel like when waiting for their owners to return back home. I wanted to tell Minghao everything that happened and also get the confession over with.

I even tried to talk to the wall to see how I would phrase it, I also tried writing it out and do it the window buddies style. But that would feel a little bit lacking too.

After I got a good idea of how I was going to put it another question popped in my head. I ran into my bedroom and got my laptop and went back into the living room. In the meantime, I was looking up more about that company to make sure that I wasn't actually being scammed.

For good or bad his offer was canon, all over the web site was news saying that S Coups had quit the company and was looking for now models. This world is so small, who would have known that S. Coups out of all the celebrities, would have this unexpected connection to. Surprises are everywhere.

I heard the door unlock and open up.

I closed everything I was on and ran to the front door with a crazy smile plastered all over my face. Minghao was standing there looking quite surprised by me smiling at him, I don't know why though this is the usual.

After the slight shock he ignored me again and proceeded to take off his shoes and throw his study books on the dining table. I followed him still keeping the smirk on my face, he looked over his shoulders to see me staring right back at him.

Whenever me and him made eye contact his face got red, "Jun stop tailing me like a dog."

"Why Minghao, I'm just super happy to see you," I said hugging him from behind and resting my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I can see that," Minghao continued as he pushed me off of him, "Oh, and can you not do what you did this morning, I couldn't concentrate at class today at all."

"What are you talking about I just...Oh, I see... little Minghao got flustered over my goodbye kiss." I said jumping in front of him with a devilish smirk as I looked him up and down.

"Anyone would be." He said blushing but, quickly covered his face with his hands.

"Minghao it was on the cheek nothing special about it. Foreigners always do that." I said trying to reason with him.

He peeped out his hands and glared at me when I said that. "But you aren't one is my point," he yelled at me pouting slightly.

"Well, anyways Minghao I have great news I've been dying to tell you ever since I got home." I pulled on his arm and pushed him down to sit on the couch.

He looked at me curiously like he was thinking of what could have possibly happened on the first day back to college. But I didn't say anything until he yelled out, "Jun spill it out. You're making the couch shake with all the bouncing your doing."

I hadn't even noticed that so, I stopped and smiled widely and said, "Well, nothing big but get an offer for one of Korea's biggest modeling company."

"Oh that's great news Jun, you finally get to follow your dream. But in Korea?" Dang it, he caught on to that little detail. I was expecting him to go over that little fact, but at the same time I'm glad he mentioned it.

"Yeah, that was the catch. So now Minghao I'm asking you, if I should go." I said seriously.

"Why are you asking me?" He said wondering about my unusual reaction to this. If anything I would be jumping around the apartment building screaming and crying to be finally getting this chance but because if I accept this job it would end up with me and Minghao going our different ways and I am not too sure about all that.

"Cause Minghao I don't want to leave the person I love behind unless they really want me to," I said looking him directly in the eye. Now I was going to start my ultimate plan to act cool doing this confession.

Minghao looked confused by the fact that I suddenly brought that up and asked, "The person you love? Who is that?"

I smiled at him as I grabbed onto his hand and squeezed them tightly. He looked me in the eyes and I looked right back into his glossy eyes and dropped the bomb.


Window Buddies (Seventeen JunHao)Where stories live. Discover now