Furniture Shopping is the Worst!!!

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I waited at the front of the apartment for Minghao to get ready. It didn't take him long though, only 7 minutes, which I don't get. How can that boy look like he hasn't slept in months to looking like he owns some big shot company on his day off, in such little time? The world may never know.

He walked up to me wearing a plain t-shirt and some loose pants as he put on his worn-down skater shoes. His style is very plain, nothing all too special about it, but it really compliments his overall appearance and actions very well if you get what I mean.

I wonder if he just randomly chooses his outfit because it suits him or it was just meant to be. I looked down at my outfit, at how I have a buttoned-down shirt halfway tucked in with baggy boyfriend jeans and a choker. I sighed to myself.

I looked at Minghao through the whole process of him easily slipping on his shoes as he stood up and noticed me staring. "What," He said to me.

"Oh, nothing at all. Just looking at a magical fairy that is going through an emo phase." I said with a smile.

"I am not a fairy." He protested.

"Then what are you, if you're not a fairy?" I said with an eyebrow going up in question.

"I am a ninja leader." He said with a straight face. I laughed at his response. I wasn't expecting that at all. And how can a person say that while keeping a straight face, he is so weird.

"That's cool." I ended up saying.

"I am always cool." He said but then realized what he just said. He covered his mouth and walked quickly past me and out the door of our apartment with a reddened face.

I followed right behind him, trying to keep up with his long strides. "Hey, what happened? Why did you suddenly become all quiet? I was enjoying it." I said to him as he kept on stomping his way down the block to the bus stop.

"It's nothing. I got ahead of myself," he said.

"It seems that a little bit of myself has rubbed off on you," I said with a small smirk as he turned around and gave me a stink eye.

"I know, can you take it back," Minghao said as he continued stomping his way towards the bus stop.

"No can do ninja, I like this Minghao," I said confidently. He said nothing in return.

We finally made it to the bus stop and now we just had to wait. I took a seat on the bench and went on my phone. I was enjoying myself, looking through the pictures I have taken of last night. One of the best memories I have saved, I can never forget that night.

It took a while for the bus to get here, it was almost 20 minutes late, I just can't believe that. At least it is still warm out so, it wasn't all too problematic. The bus took us straight to our first destination for the day.

Minghao and I walked into the furniture store and I basically went wild. I tested all the couches and beds to see which one I wanted, jumping on them and rolling around on them like a little kid. Minghao, on the other hand, was maturely sitting down on the beds and feeling it with one hand not going as crazy as me. It looked like he was trying to avoid me at all costs.

"Hey Minghao look at this couch it is made out of fur," I yelled out at the opposite side of the store where he was. I really didn't care about the weird looks I was getting, but Minghao sure did mind.

He quickly made his way to me apologizing to every employee he passed and covered my mouth with his skinny hand. "You know Jun, you should really dial it down just a little in public." He started to lecture me.

"Why, isn't it better to be loud and outgoing?" I said sitting up straight on the couch looking confused at a worried Minghao.

"Sometimes it is a good thing, but can you for now stop yelling." He whisper yelled at me.

I looked at him wondering why this was bothering him so much. I ended up listening to him though, and lowered my voice a little bit and started to follow him through the place.

We were looking around at everything and then it came to me we had no sort of plan on what we were going to get.

I turned back to see Minghao looking down at an all-black couch. And that wasn't the only one, all the stuff he showed any attention to was either dark shades of grey or black. I, on the other hand, looked at all the items that popped. Bright colors of yellow, pink, and red it was all so unique I loved those pieces.

I kept on showing Minghao the ones I thought would look good and he would fiercely shake his head no and walk away. I don't get it though it is just simple animal patterns no big deal. Minghao then showed me these plain dark grey tables and I immediately denied them, there was nothing special about them. He also seemed to find all my choices disgusting.

I sighed sitting on a small chair, "So I guess we have totally different taste in furniture." I said

"No you just have very weird taste, my taste is normal." He argued back.

"No one wants their living room to look like some Halloween store," I said to him.

"Yeah and I am sure that no one wants to live in a circus either," Minghao said

"Well we have to agree on something, and I don't feel like spending the whole day here. I want to do some clothes shopping too." I said crossing my arms over my chest as I stood up from the chair and looked around the store once again.

I looked around and my eyes landed on an item. It had the perfect amount of color and a perfect amount of monotone to it. I turned behind me and pulled Minghao towards the wall decoration. "Hey, Minghao how about we make our apartment based on this picture. It would be perfect."

Minghao looked at it and then at me. "Yeah, I can work with this. I think I saw other furniture that would match this one too."

I smiled brightly. Finally, we were getting somewhere.

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