🎄🎄Christmas Special🎄🎄

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This is my very first group fanfic of seventeen as a whole. I don't know if it would be good but I really wanted to try something different and special of the up coming holidays. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas specifically, enjoy this short story about everyone in Seventeen.

Oh and let me mention this, if you guys end up really enjoying these little side track stories then feel free to tell me to make more. I would love to do so.



Narrator: Today is the day before Christmas and Seventeen is having a meeting in the living room in what to do before Christmas the next day.

S. Coups: So guys do you have any ideas on what we could do for the holidays. WE need to really start to get into the Christmas spirit (starts to dance to the music he had put on [Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer]).

(They all just stare at him and wondering why they had picked him to be the leader in the first place)

DK: ( slowly looking away from coups) Anyways..... how about we build a playground for the neighborhood kids. (Whispers) and me too.

Woozi: I heard that Dk (gives him the stink eye)

Jeonghan: How do you expect use to make a playground in less then a day. Yeah we might have way to many people in this small apartment but still.

Joshua: And where do you plan to get the money to buy the stuff.

Seungkwan&DK:(synchronized) We have money. We have it saved up in our piggybacks.

Narrator: They all got up to bring what they could find, and what was a sad excuse of "having a lots of money". They all looked down at the table that only had $47.63.

Dino: (angry and scolding his members in a respectful tone) Why am I the one with the most money.

Narrator: He had $10. They all looked at Dk, Jun, and Vernon who had no money at all besides a few coins.

The8: Why are you guys broke. (Thughao came out and said to Dk) How are you going to make use pay for the stuff when it is your idea.

(Dk ran behind Wonwoo)

Wonwoo: STOP.... GET OFF OF ME!!!!

Narrator: They looked at the money again trying to find more ideas while ignoring Dk.

Joshua: We should do something that pleases Jesus. It is his birthday tomorrow.

(They all just looked at him)

Joshua: What it is... what would be right for an upcoming birthday gift for him.

Mingyu: How about w----

Woozi: Shut up giant, no one want to know what you have to say.

Narrator: Woozi was mad at Mingyu again since this morning they were trying to get ready and Mingyu dropped his toothbrush on the floor and called for Woozi to come. He said to Woozi can you pick it up, it is at your level of height. Then Woozi picked up the toothbrush and dropped it in the toilet, running out with the angriest face on it. It had a murderous vibe to it.

Hoshi: Now now Woozi calm down and let the giant puppy speak.

(Woozi was about to yell of rage until he made eye contact to S. Coups)

Mingyu: As I was saying..... How about we make cookies for the holidays. I found this really good recipe for buttermilk cookies.

(Everyone's eyes lit up)

Narrator: They all jumped on Mingyu in agreement and said in unison

Everyone: Wow good dog Mingyu. This is the first smart idea you had in a century.

(Mingyu just had a sad poutty face and walked to a corner and sat there.)


Narrator: They went to the nearest grocery store to get the ingredients for the buttermilk cookies.

Hoshi: Can we get lots of frosting for them coups?

DK: Let's get red, green, white, and yellow.

Jeonghan: Why yellow?

Seungkwan: So we can eat that by itself of course. Why else?

(Hoshi, Dk, and Seungkwan high fives each other for finishing the thought all together.)

S. Coups: Nonono we are not getting the yellow one but I will get the other 3.

Dino: Why are you in charge of the money? I am the most responsible with the money.

S. Coups: Yeah but you are still too young and naive.

Narrator: As S. Coups and Dino continued to argue, Jeonghan and Jun were at the flour section getting the dry ingredients Mingyu had listed of them.

Jeonghan: So Jun, which type of flour do we get?

Jun: I don't know just get the one that looks the prettiest, like me

Jeonghan: Ok so, let's get the biggest one

(Jun looked like he was going to ripe Jeonghan's head off but, Jeonghan was just laughing is pants off)

Narrator: Once they all got the ingredients and put it all in front of Mingyu he looked disappointed.

Mingyu: Who ever got the flour, why did you get so much?

Jeonghan: Jun said to get the one that looks li....

(Jun covered his mouth desperately and once he took it off Jeonghan just continued)

Jeonghan: like him

Narrator: Everyone laughed while Jun just ran into his room and locked it not coming out. They all started to prepare the things they need when they were looking for the red frosting and saw Woozi writing something.


(It gave everyone a shiver down their spine)

Mingyu: I am just going to forget that.

Mingyu: So everyone do the jobs I told you guys to do.

( They all started to work on the cookies listening to Mingyu reading the instructions)

Narrator: It had all went smoothly until Mingyu noticed how much batter the members made.

Vernon: Is this enough batter to feed us or do we need more.

Mingyu: WE DON'T NEED MORE!!! Guys you can go and clean up the huge mess you made I will put them on the tray and bake them ok?

Everyone: OK!!!!!

Narrator: When Mingyu put all the cookies to bake for 25 minutes. He went back to the living room where the members were relaxing.


~12 minutes later~

Narrator: They heard a boom coming toward the kitchen. Mingyu ran to the kitchen with the other members following behind him.

( The kitchen was covered in cookie dough)

Seungkwan: OMG what in the world happened.

They looked at Mingyu to get an answer.

Mingyu: I don't know what happened, I know I followed everything in the instructions.

( Then Mingyu noticed that there was these red stuff on the dough that exploded and didn't see Woozi)

Mingyu: (He said in a worried voice) Where is Woozi????

( They all looked around but, couldn't find him.)

All they found was a note saying " This is what happens when you mess with the devil's child, Mingyu. Hahahah"

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