The New Neighbor

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If you guys are interested in learning more about me as an author, a writer, or even a person come over to my Instagram account. I post quotes from my stories, little aesthetic stationary layouts, and more. So if that rings your little bell please follow me @anri_the_writer.

It was a hot summer morning here in China, outside I heard the birds chirping loudly and the cicadas making way too much noise for my comfort. I got out of bed and went to the mirror and saw how hideous I looked. Dry eye snot all over my eyes, some drool on my cheeks, and not to mention my hair looking like a literal bird nest.

I quickly ran to the bathroom not wanting to look at myself in this state any longer. I fixed my face up and tamed my hair and walked out the bathroom. I walked up to my drawers and pulled out a white slightly see through blouse and some tight skinny jeans.

After I completed my look, I looked into the mirror once again and gave myself a nod of approval. But I noticed that the room was very gloomy and that isn't good, so I opened my curtains. That didn't do much, though it did give me an amazing view of a closed and blocked off window.

This window belonged to my neighboring dorm room, yeah I know my great window view was of someone else's window. But the thing that made it super bad was that no one has lived in that dorm for about the whole time I had lived in my own dorm, which was for about 2 in a half years now. I don't even know why no one has filled in that room. I guess it will forever be a mystery.

Anyways, I turned and went back to the mirror. You guys must be wondering why I love the mirror so much, to defend my case, how could I not look at myself I love myself and my amazing looks. The mirror was like my one friend, it would make me happy and give me something to keep me company in my lonely and gloomy dorm room.

I stared into the mirror but this time I did my daily speech, "You can do this Jun. You can survive this day and make all the girls fall in love with you. You can get the grades and most importantly look great while doing so." I gave myself a big thumbs up and smiled brightly.

I did my final touches and grabbed my books and walked out my dorm room. Oh and just to mention I am taking classes during summer season because I just want to leave this place as quickly as I can, so I can pursue my dreams of being a model and actor without any worries.

I am not dumb though, so I am getting my degrees cause I am not fully sure if I can become one. But honestly who wouldn't want me, I am super awesome. My degree is just in case if I don't make it, they are like my back up plan. I already know that reality won't always work your way so better to be prepared then sorry in the long run.

I may seem very self absorbed and trust me I know all too well of that, but that doesn't mean that blinds me of the truth about everything.


As I walked through the college grounds I don't see much people, surly others are either visiting their families or just hanging out with friends. The people around me though they just continue to stare at me as I walked past them. I give them a smile and made my way to class still in a cheerful mood.

I sit in the front of the class and as people walk in they walk past me and go towards the back. No one would sit next to me. No one has ever done so, I don't know why but people tell me I have a difficult personality to work with. I don't even know what that meant so I just let it slide my mind.

I have never made a college friend or even a high school friend. I was lonely and wanted to talk to people but, no one would really stick around or I will just not find them all too interesting to talk to. So all day I keep to myself and don't mind all too much about it anymore, but sometimes I just want to talk one on one with someone else.

When classes were over I started on my way back to my sad little dorm room. I opened the door up and placed my books back on my desk. When I turned around I noticed that I had left the curtains open the whole day.

Tiredly I walked to the window and was about to close it until I caught a glimpse of light coming from the opposite window. The curtains were also open too.

"Oh my god, someone is finally taking the dorm. Maybe we could be window buddies."I said excitedly to myself.

I continued to look and while I was looking I saw a very skinny, jet black haired boy walking around the room. He was wearing a black band shirt with ripped black jeans.

I continued staring, not really realizing what I was doing, the boy turned around and noticed me through the window. But I guess he couldn't see me clearly at all. My dorm lights were still off so he squinted at me but, once we made full contact he looked surprised and a little bit taken aback.

I got flustered that he had found me and I ducked under the window that was right over my bed. So as I sat on my bed I became very curious in if he was still looking through the window into my dorm. My heart was beating dramatically, I don't even know why that is the case though. I slowly started to peak over through the window to see if he was still looking.

I peered a little and saw that he was still looking my way. I slowly raised up on my bed and looked him straight on and looked at him in the eyes. He then looked at me with amusement and grabbed a piece of paper and began to write something down.

Window Buddies (Seventeen JunHao)Where stories live. Discover now