The Move In

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"Minghao tell me about yourself," I asked him while we were eating breakfast the school offered us. He looked at me as he took a spoon full of rice into his mouth. He observed me up and down and nodded.

I instantly lightened up.

It was been over a week now and Minghao so far, turned down my request every single day. Little did he know though, that him closing himself for so long I had become more interested in him, making me more clingy.

Haha, that's what you get Minghao, so now you have a handsome model following you everywhere. Now that I think about it though, isn't this more of an advantage to him, yeah I will think of it that way. Back to me being shocked though.

I kept wondering why he had actually accepted today out of all the days. What about today was different. "Wait for real." I said a little taken aback.

"Yeah, why are you so shocked." He said to me like it was the most normal thing to say.

"Cause you always say no to me." I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

He set aside his dishes and looked at me through his long bangs, "That is because, I had told myself that I would tell you about me after we get the apartment." Minghao said.

I raised an eyebrow, "But we didn't get it?" I said.

"Yes, we did." He said as a small smirk starting to form.

"I thought you told me that it was just an offer?" I said getting even more confused. Why was he acting like this? Saying we got the house when we clearly didn't hear back from them.

"Idiot piece the parts together. You can't be that dumb." He said as he stood up and went to the kitchen desk and gave the lady the dishes.

That gave me some time to think it over, but nothing came up. I couldn't understand even when he came back and sat in front of me. He must have noticed me still struggling and he continued on with what he was going to say. "We got the house Jun. They accepted our offer." Minghao yelled out in my face.

"We did???" I said not truly believing it. But I looked up at Minghao's face and noticed he was generally happy going off of the aura he was letting out. "We did!!!!!" This time saying it excitedly and he nodded.

All the excitement that was building up inside me was threatening to come out. And it did.

I yelled out in a cheer and got up off the table in the cafeteria, and ran around the table to where Minghao was sitting. I danced right next to him, I was a pretty good dancer too, by the way. People may call me a triple threat in the entertainment industry, I can sing, dance, and even act. How much cooler can I get?

I grabbed both of Minghao's wrist and tried to drag him up with me. It didn't work though, his strength overpowered mine and I couldn't make him bung. Why did he have to be so strong?

I pouted still dancing, "Hey come on and celebrate with me, you said I could once we got the apartment."

With a reddened face he started to whisper yell at me, "Get down, people are looking at you weirdly."

"But I am celebrating?" I said to him as he pulled me down back on the seat next to him.

"I meant we could celebrate by getting a drink or something." He said as he rubbed the sides of his forehead.

"But I want to celebrate now," I whined to him but, soon stopped once I saw Minghao getting up off the seat, probably trying to run away from me.


We got the keys to the apartment and I let Minghao do the honors and be the first to walk into the building. He put the key slowly onto the hole and turned it, so the door will open. Minghao took the first step into the room and I followed suit behind him. I couldn't see anything at first since the doorway was thin, but once Minghao moved out the way after taking off his shoes I was stunned. Minghao looked the same way.

I looked around the place that surrounded me, white walls, dark hardwood flooring, and warm lights that filled up the whole room. I took a full 180 spin in the living room area, just to take in the beginning of what is to come next.

I turned towards a counter connecting the kitchen and the living room and peeked through it to get a sneak peek into the kitchen. And I must say it is so amazing. I thought that I was in some sort of kitchen heaven. It wasn't crowed and felt very roomy, and it had so many cooking instruments and counter space. This kitchen is like a cooks dream, I can't wait till I cook some amazing and healthy food in this area.

I left the kitchen and passed Minghao who was starting to bring in stuff, like seriously, why can't this boy enjoy the new clean house first before getting the boxes in the house.

I ran towards the back of the apartment and went through the tiny hall that split into three different rooms. I randomly picked one door and went through it.

I was greeted with a decent sized room with one window facing a brick wall.

I know great view right.

I left that room and opened the one right next to that bedroom. It leads to another room that was bigger than the previous room and in my mind, I told myself that this was going to be my room. But even though this was a big room it had such a tiny window in the corner of the room.

I went across the hall (which is literally one step away) and opened the third and final door. This door leads to the full bathroom that looked so glamours.

I ran back to the living room area, ignoring the two boxes Minghao already managed to get in the living room and went up to Minghao. He was I guess taking a rest and looking outside the window that filled the entire wall. He reminded me of one of those lonely princesses stuck in a tower waiting for the prince to save her. But then again it is Minghao if anything he might just be having fun without that boy.

I patted his back and said with a big smile, "Take good care of me.....roommate."

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