What am I going to Decide?

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I like Minghao.

I like Minghao.

I liked Minghao... what am I going to do with this piece of information.

Tell him about it? No, I doubt he would believe it.

Keep it to myself? I can't possibly do that either.

So which is worst Jun, telling him and getting rejected or keeping it to yourself and never knowing his answer at all. Only one answer was clear for me to chose.

"Um hello, are you going to agree with my offer?" I was snapped out of my intense debate with myself. As I looked down at Mr Jihoon's annoyed face.

"Oh sorry Mr. Jihoon, but before I make my final decision would you mind telling me the bases of my workload," I said still not really believing what he was offering me just yet. And his personality does seem on the aggressive side of things, so just in case he isn't in the Triad.

"Sure whatever you say, but can we move to the side it is really annoying me that people is just shoving past me." He said sneering at the women who just pushed him out the way.

"Well in all fairness Mr. Jihoon we are standing in their path like this," I said trying to reason with him.

"Who cares, at least an excuse me or something would be just enough for me to move." he said stomping away in a different direction from where my college was. Aah, what am I going to do if this was just a scam and I missed classes for nothing?

We moved to a new place at a nearby cafe and as we got inside I immediately got myself a coffee and called up the school saying I had to do something beforehand. I know each day I miss in college is like throwing away money in the garbage but, this moment was going to decide what I end up doing in life.

I sat in front of Mr. Jihoon as he sipped some sweet drink he bought and started to push papers my way. "So let's get the basics down...what is your name?"

"Jun. Ah I mean Wen Junhui." I said nervously, I really don't like formal conversations all too much it makes me feel like I have to forget my whole personality and become "professional".

He raised an eyebrow up at me but, just jotted it down on some of his own papers, "Junhui, so if you are going to decide to join us then we will be featuring you in many famous magazines like Vogue and have your face plastered all over the city in a short period of time." Mr Jihoon has started to explain reading through his papers in a monotone voice.

"Ok that sounds good but, I have to say that sounds like too much of a good catch to be true." I said not trying to show that I was doubting him too much.

He lifted his head and glared at me and I stiffened up. He saw me react like this he sighed and said, "Oh no, not at all. To be honest our company is really desperate right now and need a new face at the company after S. Coups had resigned from us."

"What S. Coups was one of your models?" I said mind blown

 He nodded like it was the most normal thing. How famous was their company I haven't really seen this logo before in China.

"I can't possibly fill in that huge hole he left." I started to worry as I thought more into the situation he was trying to push me in.

His shoulders lowered a little, "Trust me Junhui, my eyes have never lied to me." He said finally loosing up his guard around me, I don't know why he had it up though.

"Then I guess I can join in then," I said not really finding Mr. Jihoon too fishy at this point. Anyways the worst that can actually happen is that he is some secret agent and was doing an assassin job to kill me for some reason. But I doubt that anyways, what are the odds.

I hope.

"Oh great, sign these papers and it will get you a one-way ticket to Korea that is leaving next week." he suddenly brought up that point me.

"Wait, this company is all the way in Korea!" I guess that explains why I haven't heard of it. I only looked into Chinese companies since I didn't feel the need to leave the country to get my modeling and acting career started. Now that I think of it though, S. Coups is Korean so it was obvious he would be in a Korean company. Jun why are you just so stupid sometimes.

"Yeah it is, is that a problem?" he said lifting an eyebrow.

"Yes it is, I don't think I can leave everything behind in such short notice." I tried to explain to Mr. Jihoon as best as I could.

"Junhui I want you to represent our company and in no time everyone in Asia will know your name." He started to beg. It seemed a little bit out of character though.

I thought about it seriously, "If you could, can I possibly think more about this." I asked doubting that he would actually agree.

He looked me over and started to think hard until he responded with, "Um...I'm not sure."

"Please Mr. Jihoon, just two days is enough time for me to decide. I will call the number on the card to get back to you." I said pleading.

"Fine Junhui, you are a diamond in the rust and I will have so much fun turning you into a beautiful diamond worth millions," he said smiling slightly.

"Thank you so much Mr. Jihoon," I said

I got up and bowed my head at him and started to run out of the cafe so I can get to my class before it ends.

I got there and ended up apologizing on my hands and knees to the teacher for being 30 minutes late on the first class. She seemed nice though, saying it was ok if it had anything to do with figuring out my future. I rushed to the front seat and started to catch up with everyone. But I was finding myself just thinking back to what I was going to answer with.

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