You can Never be Replaced

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I started to pack my stuff up, making sure to put all the precious memories me and Han had made together throughout our entire lives. I started to tear up I didn't want to leave him, but I know I have to for the bullies to stop bothering him.

I know I am making the right decision on this, I won't regret this at all. I'm not going to let myself back down now.

For the last week I had here I made sure to at least try and get him to talk to me.

I looked all over for him but I couldn't find him at all. I turned the whole school upside down looking for him until I finally spotted him walking down the stairs with a vacant face. "Hey Han" I yelled out to him, but he continued making his way down the stairs without looking to acknowledge my voice.

I walked up to him and stopped him on the last step and blocked his way. "Hey Han come on let's go get something to eat," I said with a big smile.

He looked at me with sorrow and walked away around me somehow, but I wasn't having that answer today. I ran up to him and gripped his shoulders, "Han even if you like it or not you will come with me." But he shrugged it off and started to run, but that wasn't going to work on me.

I ran in a full sprint before he could get to his full speed. I grabbed his wrist and turned it behind his back. Yeah I know I wouldn't use moves I learned in martial arts but it was necessary right now. The point is that I got him and he can't leave without giving me the answer I want him to give. "Will you join me best bud?"

He looked into my eyes sighing, realizing that I wasn't going to let go of him if he didn't answer. He nodded. I smiled at his response and released my hold on him and pushed him towards the school's exit and we went to go eat out for the final time.

Well, he doesn't know that.

After we were done eating me and Han were somewhat talking more but, he was a little awkward about it. It was like it was the first time we met each other, talking about such cliche topics like school and the weather for god sake. I directed us to the park.

When we were in a good spot I turned around and smiled at him getting into my ready position. He instantly knew what I was trying to do as he smirked right back at me and got into his starting position too.

In the end, Han won, but I wasn't mad at all now it was 87 to 88. I smiled at Han and said, "Goodbye Han I had a great time." I wasn't expecting him to say anything back but, I heard a yell coming from behind me.

"I will see you tomorrow Minghao." He yelled out, and the way he did so sounded like his old self, the Han that I know so well. My best friend.

I didn't turn back and kept on running, running all the way back home so we can get on the road. I sat in the car and couldn't help but let tears flow down my face, I didn't want to leave him at all. No one can ever replace him, he will and forever be my best friend. And not to mention I never ever told him that I was moving away.


3 years later, I had just graduated the third year in high school and as a present, my mom said we can come down to Anshan again so I can be reunited with Han. I haven't kept in contact with him at all, mainly because I was too scared to do so.

I didn't want to hear him scold me about not telling him I was moving. But in all seriousness, I just couldn't bring myself to call him or even answer in numerous calls. If I did answer them then I would have left this city to go straight to Anshan without a second thought.

When we finally got to Anshan, the nostalgic feeling flooded me. The trees, the cracked roads, the cars honking at each other, and the overall cheerful air to the city. With all that everywhere I looked I can only think of how Han and I were so close.

Finally, I can see my best friend again and I will never leave his side anymore.

When my parents said they were going to meet some old friends I took that as my chance to go see Han. I ran out of the car to go to Han's house running through the street and almost getting hit by cars multiple times, I was just that excited to see him again.

I hope he wouldn't get that mad about me leaving suddenly. I want to see the mature Han, I want to see if he has outgrown his baby face that everyone called so cute. I want to see if we can have more battles cause after the fact I was a little sour that he took the title of winner.

I got to his house in a few minutes and started ringing the doorbell. I was surprised to see his mom open the door instead of him, every time I came over his mom would always make him open the door because she wasn't "presentable".

I don't know if what Han had said about his mom not always looking too good was true, and that being the reason he always answered but Han's mom looked terrible, to say the least. I tried to ignore her appearance and smiled at her, "Hi Han's mom, is Han here I want to talk to him."

Suddenly, she bursts out crying, but that crying soon turned to pure anger and rage directed right at me. "Get away from this house. How dare you show your filthy face after leaving Han to kill himself."

I was speechless, she can't be telling the truth at all, "Han is dead." I said

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