Window Buddies

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As he started to write down something on the paper I was contemplating if I should do the same, but before I can do anything he turned and showed me what he wrote. I looked at the boy wearing a band shirt as he held the piece of paper with one hand up to the window. His handwriting was so cute looking, and small.

It read, "You are such a creep" and at the end of that was a small face with a tongue sticking out of a smile. I laughed into my sleeve as I saw that. Who would have known that he was that type of person. I was also shocked by the reply too. I honestly wasn't expecting him to be that cool with me just staring at him from the opposite window like a creep.

I looked up at him and he was staring down at me. I opened my mouth but quickly closed it once I remembered that he couldn't hear me. I searched through my room for a piece of paper and a pen. I gave him a wait signal and he nodded as I throw everything around so I can get some paper. I really need to clean up this room.

I love to clean up my looks and make myself super presentable, but my room on the other hand..... Well, let's just say that I needed a lot of cleaning up. Once I found the two things I needed, I jumped on top of my bed and used the wall as a solid place to write. As I was writing I peered outside my window to see if the emo boy was still with me, and surprisingly he was. He stood there with no emotions or feelings looking out the window. And he saw me peering and he focused back onto me.

I finished writing my message and showed the black-haired boy, "Well that should count for the both of us."

I observed his face and he looked amused by my answer but still, he didn't crack a smile. I don't know if it is just me or something but, I have not seen his boy smile at all yet. Granted that we only saw each other five minutes so far. Even though it was a super short time, I at least smirked or something. He kept his plain face and wouldn't move his mouth, yeah he moved his eyebrows and shows some emotions in his eyes but nothing else.

I also noticed that this boy didn't seem like the type of person people could easily approach, or in fact be friendly at all. I guess lots of people might mistake him in being in the Triads (the Chinese mafia).

Any normal person would say he was bad news and that you should stay away from him no matter what but you know what, I am the furthest from normal. So, of course, I would see past all that and see the true person, if they are interesting enough. He did look that part though, I can't just ignore that fact. He had toned biceps his hair fell over his eyes covering them a little bit.

I thought about it, if he really was a Triad then he wouldn't have added that face at the end of his message. I know I don't know a Triad that would do that, so it gave me hope that he was in fact not like them. And even if he was, they wouldn't stay and wait for me to answer back. They would have just went up to the window and harshly close the curtains giving me an angry face. But since he didn't do that I concluded that he was a nice boy.

The emo boy looked down at his paper and started to write something down again, he then showed it to me. "You're a weird one."

I quickly started to write down my reply, "And so are you." I also gave him a huge smile once I showed him the message. He still kept his straight face though. But I did see his face lighten up a little bit.

I wrote down another note, "You know, you are are the first person to live in that dorm room ever since I came here."

He looked confused at the fact that I mentioned that, he then responded with, "When did you come here? They just put me inside this room randomly."

"I came here about 2 years ago." I wrote for him to read and he looked at me with wide eyes.

He started to fiercely write, "Wait, you are older than me?"

I read it and looked up at his face and I smiled at him while laugh and nodded my head to that question. He brought his hand up to his mouth in full-on shock. I wondered to myself "Do I really look that young to people? Well, don't mind that right now Junhui." I nodded to myself in agreement with my discussion in my mind.

I then looked back up and throw the window and I saw the boy still looking at me in disbelief. I smiled at him again and I showed him what I wrote, "Oh, what year are you?"

"I am a freshman in college." The black-haired boy wrote. I glance up at his head again and he still was sporting that plain expressionless look. I continued to stare at him and he stared back at me. To me, he seemed so interesting I wanted to know more about him, and I want to actually make a friend. Still, don't know why I don't have any, but who cares.

I know I barely know his personality and all but, just looking at him makes me want to know more and more. I looked him up and down at his outfit to his hairstyle, everything was different. I then refocused my eyes on his straight face and I smiled at him, he tilted his head.

I started to write down, "You are going to be my new window buddy. What is your name?" he looked at me hesitant to actually answer or not.

He looked me up and down and started to write down his answer, "Minghao. What about you?"

I smiled and sighed in relief that he had actually told me his name. I thought he would have been a tough one to crack but I guess I am wrong. "Jun, nice to meet you." Once again I flashed him my brightest smile and in return, he nodded at me and he waved bye and I did so too.

Window Buddies (Seventeen JunHao)Where stories live. Discover now