Did I Change Because of Him?

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I ran out of the house and winced at the sudden shinning of the sun in my eyes. Today looked like a good day sun out, clouds spread across the sky, not too many cars making the air smell, I feel like today is going to be my day.

I walked into the main sidewalk and followed the crowd, keeping my charming face on full display.

I can't believe how many people are walking the streets at this time, but I took that to my full advantage and made sure everyone knew I was a beautiful human being.

As I was about to turn into the area the college was at, I got stopped by a man in a very fancy suit and shaded glasses, but I must mention he looked pretty short. But besides that, he looked like he was undercover for something or maybe someone and that means he had to ask me questions if he had stopped me.

I started to worry about what in the world did I do wrong, did I mess with a Triad (Chinese Mafia) without knowing it.

The man in front of me looked me up and down making me feel really uncomfortable, what was he doing. He then nodded to himself and removed his glasses to reveal his face and smirked at me. He had a baby face but also carried the aura of a very serious person, his cheeks fluffy and hair dyed blond.

He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card and handed it to me. I stared at the card in question and he looked mad for me not immediately handling it, so I retrieved the card and looked at it doubtfully.

"Hi my name is Lee Jihoon and I feel like you would fit this job perfectly." The smaller guy said to me as he has this straight face as his small eyes glanced up at me.

I looked at him in question, "What job?"

He rolled his eyes and pointed to the card and said, "Modeling of course."

"What seriously."  He nodded.

On the outside I was calm and collected, I needed to keep an image of course. I seemed not to care much about this but, in the inside, I was over here screaming my head off and rolling around on the floor with the biggest smile on my face.

After my little internal celebration was over though, I am back into reality and wondered why out of nowhere did I get scouted after multiple agencies denied me.

"Um...Mr. Jihoon sir, if you mind me asking why me out of all the other people?" I said almost scared to even ask, I don't want him to think I was going to be one of those types of people who fake being humble and stuff.

"Well, first of all, you have the looks and attitude to carry yourself in a good way but, I knew that isn't the only thing you need to be a model." He said plainly making it a little harder to believe what he was saying.

I nodded in agreement, "Yeah I know. I am actually an aspiring model and actor but, was always turned down because I didn't have the passion or desire in my eyes or something." I said.

"Oh, getting cooky aren't we?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"No, not at all. I just thought I should inform you of that." I started to panic.

"Well anyway." he brushed the issue off and continued on with what he was saying, "I don't know what you did in between those times and now but, I defiantly feel a pleasant aura around you. Almost like you are in love and that could have brought out your best aspects."

"What do you mean? I don't really understand." I said not fully understanding what he was trying to get at.

"Must I spell it out for you." He started to say but didn't allow me to reply before he explained, "Well to put it simply, I can tell you're in love with something or maybe someone."

I looked blankly at him as I processed what he was saying. The only thing that has changed from when I went to agencies and now was living with Minghao. But that can't be it at all, no way I can't love Minghao.

But Jun you kissed him, yeah but all foreigners do it as a greeting. Then why did your heart start to beat so loudly anytime you think of him and those two kisses. Why? Jun you already know that yourself is always right in these situations.

Seriously I need to stop this bickering with myself in my own head, it was really getting to me. That was when I realized my heart suddenly started to speed up and was beating out of my chest loud and clear.

Minghao, I like Minghao. And he is the so-called reason in my glow-up? I gave a disbelieving look at Mr. Jihoon and came to the conclusion that this unknown feeling I was expressing towards Minghao lately was in fact, love.

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