Last of the Time Lords

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Teresa landed in a daze, unable to take in her surroundings as she tried to focus through the pain that gripped her entire being. Her entire life a lie, because she wasn't human, she was, she was-

Her hand touched her chest and Teresa flinched even as her body filled with warmth as she felt the twin hearts beating beneath her hand. Her hearts were beating quickly, from the adrenaline, the rush of memories, the understanding, the truth staring her in the face. Time Lord. Everything made sense- why companions seemed to think she looked different, because she was different or would be different whenever she regenerated.

And yet there were so many new questions- why did she remember the Time War but nothing else from her prior life? Who was the man who had been bent over her face, and what had he said? How had she ended up in her universe? How could she time travel without a Tardis or manipulator? And why hadn't the Doctor said anything before about her not being human?

But most pressing: why had she forgotten all about this episode from the show? Because it was there, she could feel it now that her memories were restored, flashes of YANA, the Doctor shouting after the Master, who was now young, and the Doctor... the Doctor... She flinched as she saw a flash of him screaming in pain as he was aged beyond recognition.

Why had she not remembered that before? And even now, she couldn't remember all of it. Why? What was going on? And was it really just coincidence that she was a Time Lady, and most likely the only one left, sent back to a universe where the Doctor's life was played as a popular T.V. show?

Her mind was reeling with all the questions to which she had no answer. And the only person who could help, the only person who could always help her, the Doctor... Teresa slowly straightened up, looking around at last to try and look for the Doctor.

She froze as she stared up at the Tardis console in horror. The once warm blue-green centre was now pulsing a dangerous red, and now that she was actually focusing she could hear the Tardis making a strange echoing sound, like a low groan that was then echoing over and over. As though she was sick.

"What has happened to you?" Teresa asked, horrified that anyone would do this to Sexy. She stared at the console, covered by a large metal-mesh cylinder that was filled with wires linked to the console.

'Paradox machine.' The word came unbidden to her mind, and she recalled part of the episode 'Sound of Drums', where the Doctor snarled the words in disgust and fear. But why couldn't she remember more? What was happening? Why had she forgotten something so important?

"Citizens of Earth," a voice called loudly over the intercoms and Teresa jumped, "rejoice and observe."

She stared around the paradox machine, and she realized the Tarids had to have been parked somewhere. 'The Valiant...' She remembered, and then winced as she remembered the Master and the spheres. The spheres... what about the spheres?

She shook her head- she needed to get to the Doctor. Teresa carefully made her way out, peeking out the door to see she was in a storage room somewhere. She made her way carefully out of the Tardis, shutting the door firmly before she snuck down the corridor.

She spotted guards hurrying somewhere and waited quietly for them to pass before stepping out into a different hallway. She carefully followed the guards, deciding that since she didn't know where else to go they might be able to lead her somewhere useful.

They eventually made their way up onto an upper deck and Teresa realized they were on a giant spaceship of some sort. She slowed, hesitating as the guards entered a flight deck, but she looked up sharply as she heard the Master say triumphantly from inside: "Down below, the fleet is ready to launch. Two hundred thousand ships set to burn across the universe. Are we ready?"

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