Partners in Crime

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"Adipose?" Teresa asked and the Doctor nodded, his face finally breaking into a smile while Donna continued to stare at the blonde like she'd grown a second head. "In you get." He offered his hand to Teresa, and she took it, climbing into the cradle with him with a sigh.

"So, where've you come from?" The Doctor asked nonchalantly as he extended his hand out to Donna next. Before Teresa could reply, Donna said firmly: "I'm not getting in that thing. And who's she?"

"Just get in 'that thing'. And this is Terry- you've met her before." The Doctor said impatiently as he lifted his hand expectantly, and Teresa looked surprised, while Donna protested, throwing Teresa a look: "That's not Terry- Terry's brunette and looks completely different. And if we go down in that, they'll just call us back up again."

The Doctor sighed as he reassured her: "No, no, no, this is Terry, she just looks different. She told you about this before remember? And I've locked the controls with a sonic cage; I'm the only one that can control it. Not unless she's got a sonic device of her own, which is very unlikely."

Donna nodded, satisfied and climbed in, while Teresa frowned, remembering Miss Foster's sonic pen. "Er, Doctor-" Teresa began, and he glanced over as he began to lower them slowly. He said cheerily: "Oh, right. You were going to say: where've you just come from then?"

"Reinette." Teresa told him, distracted by his question and he immediately frowned. He glanced at her as he asked slowly: "So, this is only your second time?" "Yes, is that important?" Teresa asked, noting his disappointed look.

"Oh, no." He answered, a little too quickly. She frowned again and he said hastily: "So, do you still believe this is a dream?" She snorted, remembering that and she pointed out: "Kind of hard to, after Reinette and now this."

That reminded her, and she began to say: "Doctor-"

Donna interrupted, looking confused: "Hang on, so you're still Terry?" "Yup, Terry!" The Doctor said cheerfully while Teresa looked at Donna in surprise.

"Oh, right, sorry, my name's Teresa." Teresa introduced, and the Doctor and Donna looked at her in surprise.

"I thought you said we met?" Donna asked the Doctor while the Doctor asked Teresa: "Your name's Teresa?" "Yeah, why?" Teresa asked confused, and he shrugged as he explained: "You never told me that- you told me your name was 'Terry' when we first met."

"Oh." Teresa commented. "I'll... keep that in mind for when I meet you for the first time then." He raised a brow in amusement while Donna interrupted: "Yes, when you're done making goo-goo eyes at each other," the Doctor started while Teresa blushed, "can either of you explain what's going on? How is that Terry?"

The Doctor explained quickly: "You see, Terry time travels, just around my time line though, and we never seem to meet in the right order. You met a future Terry, and this Terry is actually meeting you for the first time."

"Hello. And can I say, I've always really wanted to meet you Donna." Teresa said excitedly, and Donna looked a little perturbed as she murmured: "Okay... is that normal? Time travel and changing faces?"

"Changing faces?" Teresa asked in confusion, and the Doctor quickly interjected: "Donna, remember what she said right before we parted last time?"

Donna looked offended as she snapped: "Of course I do-" she broke off, and her mouth fell open in an 'O' shape.

"What is it?" Teresa asked, and the Doctor said hastily: "Terry, you were going to say something?"

"Oh, right." Teresa remembered and she said urgently: "Doctor, Miss Foster has a sonic pen." He started in alarm, opening his mouth but they were interrupted as the cradle suddenly dropped, plummeting towards the ground.

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