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*A/N No, there is no misspelling in the title. It is really funny though.

As soon as Martha was out of sight, the Doctor turned to the intercom and called into it urgently as Teresa sobbed into the door: "Scannell! I need a spacesuit in area seventeen now!"

"What for?" Scannell called back and the Doctor snapped sharply: "Just get down here!"

He turned back to Teresa, pulling her in for a reassuring hug as he soothed: "Terry, I promise I'll bring her back safely."

Teresa shook her head despairingly, whispering: "Oh, Doctor. This is my fault."

"No, it isn't. I promise you it isn't." He murmured, kissing the top of her head, but she shook her head.

"Doctor, when you go out there, you can't look at the sun. Promise me you won't look at the sun." She begged and he frowned at her.

"Why shouldn't I look at the sun?" He asked carefully, and she told him quietly: "It's alive. The thing inside Korwin and it spread to Ashton, it's from the sun, it's a part of it. It's a living star."

His eyes widened and his mouth fell open in shock.

"How did it get here?" He demanded and she shook her head, her eyes becoming hard with determination.

"I'll deal with that." She promised him as Scannell arrived with the spacesuit.

The Doctor frowned, but Teresa patted him as she told him firmly: "You need to save Martha. Just trust me."

He nodded at last and quickly strapped into the suit, Teresa helping him. Scannell watched anxiously and finally he burst out: "I can't let you do this."

"You're wasting your breath, Scannell." The Doctor said shortly. "You're not going to stop me."

Scannell protested: "You want to open an airlock in flight on a ship spinning into the sun. No one can survive that."

"Oh, just you watch." The Doctor retorted, and Scannell shouted urgently: "You open that airlock, it's suicide. This close to the sun, the shields will barely protect you. You," he nodded at Teresa, "shouldn't you be stopping him as his girlfriend?"

She sighed.

"I'm not his girlfriend, and the Doctor can survive this. I know that." She told the man, and he glanced at the Doctor, noticing the Doctor wince at her denial.

Scannell threw up his hands, exasperated with this confusing pair, but Teresa snapped her fingers in front of him and ordered: "Focus."

The Doctor added as he explained: "If I can boost the magnetic lock on the ship's exterior, it should remagnetise the pod. Now, while I'm out there, you have got to get the rest of those doors open. We need those auxiliary engines."

"Doctor," Scannell began in protest, but Teresa cut in: "Scannell, shut up. Trust me, we know what we're doing."

The Doctor nodded at her and placed his helmet on. Teresa watched him anxiously because, despite her confident tone, she was honestly terrified for him. As the Doctor began to walk away, Teresa grabbed his hand and forced him to look back at her.

"Remember your promise. Don't look at the sun." She warned him and he nodded.

"I promised, didn't I?" He asked, slightly teasing but she had no hint of humour on her face as she pointed out: "And you lie. So don't you lie this time."

He nodded, looking her in the eye as he promised: "I won't."

She let him go and he stepped into the airlock. The computer announced: "Decompression initiated."

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