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"What's that mean?" Martha asked, puzzled by Teresa's words, and Teresa explained: "Remember I said that my foreknowledge is limited? I don't know all of the Doctor's adventures, only the major ones."

"Oh." Martha replied, before she realized: "So... we don't know what's out there?"

Teresa shrugged before she turned to the Doctor, asking: "Doctor?"

"Er..." He paused before he admitted: "I don't know."

"Say that again." Martha scoffed, although her voice trembled just slightly. "That's rare."

"Not even the Time Lords came this far." The Doctor told them seriously, making both girls' eyes widen.

"We should leave." The Doctor urged. "We should go. We should really, really... go."

He paused, sharing a look with the girls. Teresa raised a brow, and he beamed gleefully while Martha grinned. Teresa laughed as the Doctor turned, running for the doors excitedly, and the girls were right behind him as he grabbed his long overcoat and stepped outside.

Teresa peered out as well, looking around with great interest. The area around them was a little marshy, but it was also very rocky and hilly. The Doctor began to move forward when Teresa glanced to the side and noticed a figure lying on the ground beside them. A very familiar figure.

"Oh my God!" Martha gasped as she saw the same thing Teresa had seen.

Teresa glanced at the Doctor with raised brows as Martha ran over to the man, leaning down to check if he was breathing and then feeling his neck.

"Can't get a pulse." She murmured before turning to the Doctor as she said hurriedly: "Hold on. You've got that medical kit thing."

"Martha-" Teresa began but the medical student had already dashed back into the Tardis. Teresa sighed before turning to the Doctor accusingly as he looked down at Captain Jack.

"Hello again." The Doctor murmured as he stared down at the man, and Teresa accused: "You were running from him!"

"Yeah." He admitted, and Teresa demanded: "Why?"

He blinked, startled as he asked in surprise: "Don't you know?"

"I-" Teresa broke off, confusion colouring her face as the Doctor looked at her in surprise. While it was true she didn't know everything, he'd have thought she would've known about why he ran from Jack. It was along the lines of what she usually knew about him.

Teresa was frowning as she wondered why she felt like she should know this, but didn't. There was something there... something... They were broken from their thoughts as Martha came running back out.

"Here we go." Martha called as she ran up. "Get out of the way."

Teresa moved away, standing beside the Doctor as Martha scrambled to her knees. She commented as she glanced at Jack, getting ready to work on him: "It's a bit odd, though. Not very hundred trillion. That coat's more like World War Two."

"I think he came with us." The Doctor told Martha, and Teresa muttered under her breath: "More like you know."

He made a face while Martha stared at them, asking incredulously: "How do you mean, from Earth?"

"Must have been clinging to the outside of the Tardis all the way through the vortex." The Doctor answered as Martha pulled out a stethoscope to check for a heartbeat.

"Well, that's very him." The Doctor added with a scoff, and Teresa scolded: "Doctor!"

"What, do you two know him?" Martha asked in surprise, and the Doctor replied lightly: "Friend of ours. Used to travel with us, back in the old days. Well, my old days." He amended as he nodded at Teresa.

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