Vampires of Venice 3

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As they ran down the corridors and back into the tunnel, Amy quickly told them: "They're not vampires."

"What?" The Doctor asked as he soniced the trapdoor behind them and Amy explained: "I saw them. I saw her. They're not vampires, they're aliens."

"Fish from space, to be correct." Teresa told them, and the Doctor grinned.

"Classic." He chortled, and Amy laughed with him.

Teresa grinned as she followed Amy and Isabella down, while Rory paused to ask incredulously: "That's good news? What is wrong with you people?"

The Doctor just pushed him impatiently from behind, and Rory quickly ran again as the trapdoor was smashed open behind them. They hurried down the tunnel behind Isabella as the Doctor urged from the rear: "Come on, Rory. Move."

He paused to wave his UV light at the aliens behind him, making them flinch back. He used the brief distraction to run back after his friends, and he called urgently: "Keep moving. Come on, guys."

They finally made it to the door and Isabella hauled it open just as the church bells rang in the distance and the morning light began to shine down on them. The girl stood aside, letting Amy run past first, urging: "Quickly, quickly. Get out. Quick."

But Teresa stopped beside her, and she pleaded as Rory ran out behind her: "Isabella, come with me, quickly!"

"Terry?" The Doctor asked as he also paused in running past them, and Teresa began to haul Isabella with her down the steps, not waiting to answer.

Isabella suddenly began to scream in pain as the sunlight touched her skin, and the Doctor immediately understood the problem.

"Terry! Isabella!" He cried as he ran back to the girls, and Teresa threw her scarf over Isabella.

"Isabella, come on!" She urged as she spotted the other hissing girls appearing by the door. "Just come with me!"

"I can't!" Isabella cried as she clutched the scarf. It wasn't thick enough, Teresa realized with despair as Isabella continued to shy away from the sunlight, writhing in Teresa's grip.

The Doctor wrapped an arm tightly around Teresa's middle, pulling her back into his chest as he grabbed Isabella's arm with his other hand. The Doctor and Teresa tried to pull Isabella down the steps and away from the other girls, but she screamed and twisted away from them and the sun, involuntarily backing into the doorway. Teresa's heart dropped as the other vampire girls grabbed Isabella.

"No!" Teresa screamed as she tried to keep her hold, but the six girls were too strong. The Doctor was clearly torn between using more strength and risking her safety by using both arms to grab Isabella, and his moment's hesitation cost them.

Isabella was wrenched from their grasps as the girl screamed: "I'm sorry!"

"No!" Teresa and the Doctor yelled as the vampire girls began slamming the door, getting away from the sunlight. They could hear Isabella screaming and fighting from just inside, and both Teresa and the Doctor pushed desperately on the door, trying to keep it open and hopefully find an opening to grab Isabella again.

But as they pushed, the Doctor made contact with the metal part on the door and was electrocuted. In the split second before the shock was passed onto Teresa as well, she realized Rosanna must have activated the mansion lockdown. And the next second she was screaming as well as the electric currents ran through her body, shocking her, before she was flung aside.

The Doctor had shoved her in the two seconds he needed to realize he was being shocked and that it would reach Teresa as well. But the shocks that had already hit her were enough to knock her out, and she was out cold as she hit the ground. It certainly didn't help that in his haste, the Doctor had shoved her right into the steps.

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