Cold Blood

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Mo asked as the three of them walked out of the lab: "That creature, do you think it was an alien? Any more of them, do you think? Do you think the Earth's been invaded?" "Don't know. Ask her." Amy replied, jerking a thumb at Teresa.

Mo glanced at the blonde girl in a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Teresa saw his questioning gaze and replied: "I can't say too much. But I guess it's all right to tell you yes, they are aliens, yes there are more of them, and no, the Earth hasn't been invaded. They lived here long before we did."

"But then why are they down here? And how do you know this?" Mo asked in awe, and Teresa shrugged as she replied: "Sorry. That's all I can say. Spoilers." Amy muttered: "I don't like that word." Teresa shrugged again, and gave Mo a sympathetic pat on his arm as he looked between the girls in wonder.

Amy meanwhile had found a closed door and she asked mischievously: "Hm, I wonder where this leads." "Maybe it's a way out of here." Mo said hopefully and Teresa shook her head. She patted Mo's arm in sympathy, preparing him and herself for what they would find as Amy pressed a button and the chamber behind the door lit up.

Mo's face changed into a look of horror as he stared at his son, Elliot, suspended inside. "Oh, my God, no." He whispered, and Amy asked apprehensively: "What is it?" Mo tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. He whispered in horror as he stared into the chamber: "It's my son. It's Elliot. What've they done to him?"

He moved away, pacing anxiously and Amy peered in, seeing the boy with alarm. Mo was saying frantically: "He's in there. We have to get him out. Elliot?" He came back to the door as he called desperately: "Elliot, it's Dad."

He began punching into the computer beside the door, but it just replied: "Access denied. Unauthorised genetic imprint." Mo was beginning to panic, when Teresa took his hand and told him gently: "He's fine. I promise."

"And I should just trust you on that? How can you even promise that?" Mo demanded, when Amy turned to him as well and said firmly: "Because she can. And if there's one thing you need to know about Terry, it's that she only makes promises she knows she can keep. And she will never break a promise."

Teresa blinked, touched, while Mo slowly began to calm down. Amy added as she nodded to the screens: "And look at these screens- they're monitoring something. I think they're vital signs. Heartbeats, pulses. Why else would he be wired up? He's still alive."

Mo glanced at Teresa for confirmation, and she nodded. He took a deep breath and murmured calmly: "All right. We find weapons, get that creature from the lab and force it to release Elliot, yeah?"

Teresa frowned, but Amy said quickly, trying to pacify the man: "Yeah. Trust me. We'll get him out." She patted his arm and walked off quickly while Mo stared a moment longer at his son. Teresa stood beside him and murmured: "You won't need to use force."

He glanced at her, puzzled, and asked incredulously: "What?" "When we come back to save your son." Teresa clarified, and he noted how she'd said 'when' and not 'if'. The redheaded girl had been adamant that the blonde girl always spoke the truth and Mo became aware that she most likely would not say such hopeful words carelessly.

Teresa continued: "We won't need weapons. They're not what you think they are. You'll see it once we've put the differences aside." He frowned and asked slowly: "And you're certain of this?" Teresa nodded absently, but a flicker of fear passed her face.

Mo caught it and asked again: "Are you sure?" "I am sure. It's just... weapons are never the answer. Not when they are held in alien hands... or human hands." Teresa murmured looking like she was lost in thought. Mo examined this girl, this girl who seemed so young but seemed wiser than her years.

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