New Earth 3

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"Cassandra, get out of her!" The Doctor yelled as they climbed, and Cassandra groaned: "Oh, would you two shut up? You're like a stuck recording or something, both of you saying the same thing over and over."

"Maybe you should listen!" The Doctor and Teresa retorted at the same time. Teresa suddenly yelped as she felt a tug on her ankle and she glanced down in terror to see Matron Casp holding her.

"Oh, really?!" Teresa asked desperately while Casp hissed: "All our good work. All that healing. The good name of the Sisterhood. You have destroyed everything."

"Let her go!" The Doctor snarled at her from above Teresa, while Cassandra snapped irritably: "Go and play with a ball of string."

Casp hissed: "Everywhere, disease. This is the human world. Sickness!"

She gasped and began to moan in pain as boils appeared on her face. Teresa's eyes widened and she cried: "No!"

But Casp let go of Teresa's ankle and fell to her death, screaming. She stared for a moment until the Doctor ordered: "Terry, move!" She saw the patients climbing up after her and quickly climbed after him, when they reached the end of the ladder, having reached the top floor. Cassandra knocked on the door desperately, but it wouldn't budge.

"Now what?" She cried as the Doctor and Teresa caught up and Teresa ordered: "Let the Doctor get past."

"Why would I do that?" She demanded and the Doctor snapped: "Just get out of Rose, save us all the trouble."

"Would you two quiet down? Cassandra, he's the only one who can open that door." Teresa called impatiently.

Cassandra made a face but moved out of the way, but the Doctor didn't move as he ordered: "Not until you're out of that body."

"Oh, for God's sake." Cassandra grumbled and then Rose and the Doctor jerked as Cassandra moved. Teresa and Rose stared at Cassandra in horror as 'the Doctor' said to Rose impatiently: "God it was tedious inside your head. Hormone City. At least the other blondie was somewhat logical. Now hurry up!"

"You're the one with the sonic!" Teresa cried as Rose shifted across quickly and Cassandra climbed up beside her but didn't know what else to do.

"Oh, for- Cassandra, get back into me." Rose ordered.

Cassandra sighed as she answered: "Hold on tight."

They shifted again as Teresa watched from below, anxious and annoyed as Cassandra said in Rose's voice: "Oh, chavtastic again. Open it!"

She ordered the Doctor and he said tightly: "Not till you get out of her."

"We need the Doctor." Cassandra pointed out.

"I order you to leave her." He snapped and they switched again.

Teresa was now furious and annoyed as Cassandra said in the Doctor's voice: "No matter how difficult the situation, there is no need to shout."

"Cassandra, get out of him!" Rose shouted and Cassandra whined: "But I can't go into you, he simply refuses. He's so rude."

"I don't care!" Rose shouted and Teresa yelled: "Cassandra, come back into me."

"It doesn't help does it? He continues to refuse." Cassandra pointed out and Teresa yelled desperately: "I don't care! Just do something!"

"Oh, I am so going to regret this." Cassandra whined but she moved into the patient woman right behind Teresa.

"Oh, sweet Lord. I look disgusting." Cassandra complained while the Doctor quickly unlocked the door and hopped through. Teresa indicated for Rose to go quickly, and the girl did just as Teresa felt Cassandra re-enter her. Her mind was shoved unceremoniously back once more, and she wriggled uncomfortably there as Cassandra threw her body to safety beside the Doctor.

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