Rings of Akhaten

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Teresa blinked as someone scooped her up the moment she landed.

"Terry!" The Doctor called happily and she squirmed in his arms to look at him.

"Doctor?" She asked, smiling but a little overwhelmed.

She wasn't quite sure she'd ever get over how... physical Eleven could be. Particularly this Eleven, she noted as she took in his purple suit jacket. She wasn't sure why, but she pegged it to possibly Amy and Rory's loss that Clara's Doctor tended to be by far the most clingy and touchy. He also tended to act rather strangely, as though he was torn between running forwards and holding back.

"Terry?" Another voice asked.

Teresa looked over to see Clara and she smiled brightly. "Hello, Clara. Have you met me?"

"Oh, yes, she has. Clara, you remember Terry." The Doctor beamed, still clinging onto Teresa as Clara nodded.

"Ah, right." She said cheerfully. "I remember your brown-haired self told me I'd meet the blonde you soon."

Teresa smiled, nodding, while the Doctor questioned: "Where did you come from?"

"I was just on a trip with your past selves- we did a trip with Amy to Space Florida amongst other things, and before that, it was your first meeting with Jack in that nanogenes fiasco during World War II."

"Ah, Captain Jack." The Doctor mused. "It's been a very long time since I saw that old Boe face."

Teresa smiled, nodding although she shifted in the Doctor's arms.

"Um, Doctor?" She asked and he hummed: "Yes, my angel?"

"Can you let go? I'd like to hug Clara." Teresa told him, looking down at his arms still wrapped around her.

"Oh, right, sorry." He said, quickly letting her go. Teresa smiled as she moved to hug Clara, missing the shorter girl's raised brows at the Doctor.

The Doctor shook his head at Clara from behind Teresa's back as Teresa said brightly: "How are you, Clara? Where are we in your time?"

"Just taking Clara for her first trip!" The Doctor interjected excitedly.

Teresa's eyes lit up and she asked, becoming just as excited: "Have we arrived yet?"

"Haven't decided yet." The Doctor explained. Clara added, somewhat sheepishly: "I can't think of anywhere off the top of my head. I've gone completely blank."

Teresa laughed, and she said lightly: "Oh, you'll think of it. Come on, then, Clara Oswald. What would you like to see?" She hinted.

Clara's eyes lit up, and a smirk spread across her face.

"What I would like to see," she said as she looked between the Doctor and Terry, "is something awesome."

Teresa smiled as the Doctor grinned and he quickly ran about the console. The Tardis whirred, and wheezed and Clara laughed delightedly as they flew off.


Teresa opened the Tardis doors and gestured for the Doctor to lead the way, her eyes shining with excitement. The Doctor slowly guided Clara out of the Tardis, the short brunette walking with her eyes closed as both Teresa and the Doctor had insisted.

The Doctor had been somewhat disappointed not to surprise Teresa, but he settled for surprising Clara. As Teresa stepped out behind the other two, closing the Tardis behind her, the Doctor asked Clara excitedly: "Can you feel the light on your eyelids?"

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