Cold Blood 3

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They ran into the lab and Teresa ordered quickly: "Elliot, Mo, watch the security cameras and let us know if there's trouble." They nodded, and as they ran to the computers the Doctor ran in, locking the lab doors behind him.

Seeing the father and son already watching the screens, he sent a quick grin to Teresa before turning to Amy and ordering: "Amy, keep reminding me how much time I haven't got." He tossed the stopwatch he'd stolen from Ambrose to Amy, and Amy called: "Okay. Um, er, twelve minutes till drill impact."

"Doctor, Tony." Teresa called and he immediately walked over to the ill man, murmuring: "Tony Mack. Sweaty forehead, dilated pupils. What are you hiding?" The man opened his shirt to reveal the green veins crawling across his chest, coming from the sting on his neck.

Nasreen gasped: "Tony, what happened?" He looked at her sadly as the Doctor soniced the wound, and Tony murmured: "Alaya's sting. She said there's no cure. I'm dying, aren't I?" The Doctor quickly inputted his sonic's findings into the lab computer and his eyes widened as he read the results.

"You're not dying, you're mutating." He breathed and Tony asked: "How can I stop it?"

"Decontamination program." The Doctor said, thinking aloud. "Might work. Don't know. Malohkeh... where's Malohkeh?" He asked as he looked around, but he caught sight of Teresa's face and his own face fell even before she confirmed the truth.

"Restac killed him." She told the Doctor sadly, before looking at Eldane. "I'm sorry I couldn't save him." She told the Silurian leader sadly and he frowned in confusion. The Doctor just nodded grimly before he said firmly: "Eldane, can you run the program on Tony?"

Eldane nodded, and as they moved, Mo called: "Doctor, shedload of those creatures coming our way. We're surrounded in here." The others all turned in alarm while the Doctor rambled aloud: "So, question is, how we do stop the drill given we can't get there in time? Plus, also, how do we get out, given that we're surrounded?"

He turned to Teresa and she nodded. He then turned to Nasreen as he asked: "Nasreen, how do you feel about an energy pulse channelled up through the tunnels to the base of the drill?" She stared at him in disbelief as she asked: "To blow up my life's work?"

"Yes." The Doctor said bluntly, making Teresa wince. He added apologetically: "Sorry. No nice way of putting that." Nasreen straightened her back and said determinedly: "Right, well, you're going to have to do it before the drill hits the city, in er..." "Eleven minutes forty seconds." Amy supplied.

"Yes." The Doctor beamed as he moved to the controls. "Squeaky bum time." He winked at Teresa who smiled, when Nasreen pointed out: "Yes, but the explosion is going to cave in all the surrounding tunnels, so we have to be out and on the surface by then."

The Doctor made a face, as Rory added: "But we can't get past Restac's troops." Please Eldane... Teresa thought, and she almost sighed in relief as Eldane spoke up: "I can help with that." He walked out from where he'd been helping Tony as he told them: "Toxic Fumigation."

He walked over to the Doctor as he explained: "An emergency failsafe meant to protect my species from infection. A warning signal to occupy cryo-chambers. After that, citywide fumigation by toxic gas. Then the city shuts down."

The Doctor's face became grim and he began to pace thoughtfully. Teresa touched his arm, looking him in the eyes as Amy said to Eldane softly: "You could end up killing your own people."

"There is hope in the future." Teresa told the Doctor softly, and he looked at her thoughtfully as Eldane replied to Amy: "Only those foolish enough to follow Restac." The Doctor examined Teresa's eyes for a moment longer, before turning to Eldane and asking seriously: "Eldane, are you sure about this?"

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