Victory of the Daleks 3

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The Doctor's face fell and he answered shakily: "You're bluffing. Deception's second nature to you." He accused as his mind blanked. "There isn't a sincere bone in your body. There isn't a bone in your body." He added a little confused.

Because in his hearts he knew they weren't lying. Teresa's face confirmed as much.

The White Dalek revealed: "His power is derived from an Oblivion Continuum. Call off your attack, or we will detonate the android."

"No." The Doctor snarled as he turned away from the screen. "This is my best chance ever. The last of the Daleks."

He reached the console, passing Teresa resolutely as he said determinedly: "I can rid the Universe of you, once and for all."

The Dalek had appeared on his small scanner screen, and it taunted: "Then do it. But we will shatter the planet below. The Earth will die screaming. And your companion will bear witness to your failure."

The Doctor clenched his fists angrily as he growled at the screen: "Yeah, and if I let you go, you'll be stronger than ever. A new race of Daleks."

"Then choose, Doctor. Destroy the Daleks or save the Earth." The White Dalek challenged.

The Doctor stared at the screen as the Dalek ordered: "Begin countdown of Oblivion Continuum. Choose, Doctor."

He twitched, his jaw setting and Teresa took his hand. He glanced at her as the Dalek taunted: "Choose. Choose."

The Doctor drowned it out as he stared into her clear grey eyes. They showed no blame and no pressure, and he could see it in her eyes: she would support him no matter his decision. That clear trust made his decision simpler, even if it didn't make it easier.

He picked up the mike and called in defeat: "The Doctor to Danny Boy. The Doctor to Danny Boy. Withdraw."

"Say again, sir. Over." Danny Boy said, his tone coloured with disbelief.

The Doctor said quickly before he could change his decision: "Withdraw. Return to Earth. Over and out."

"But sir-" Danny Boy began to protest, and the Doctor called urgently as he began to take off the Tardis: "There's no time. You have to return to Earth now. Over."

As the Tardis began to wheeze, Teresa told him quietly: "They'll escape. You won't be able to catch them if we leave now."

He glanced at her in surprise. She didn't usually tell him a spoiler so easily. But Teresa knew what the Daleks meant to him, and she always hated it when he had to choose humanity or the Daleks. Especially since he had to watch his own planet burn, destroyed in a desperate attempt to rid the universe of the Daleks.

He saw the pain on her face, and he told her softly: "Even then, my decision won't change. It can't change."

She stared at him pensively and then gave a small smile.

"Because you're the Doctor." She sighed and his lips twitched into a sad smile.

As the Tardis began to land, he hesitated and he pulled her to him and murmured desperately: "Please, tell me I did the right thing. Tell it to me."

She blinked, hearing a double meaning that she wasn't sure she'd heard right. But his green eyes searched hers desperately, so she went with her gut. Taking his face between her hands she whispered quietly: "You did the right thing. And I'm proud of you, Theta."

His eyes softened and closed as he leaned his forehead against hers.

"Thank you." He murmured and she nodded.

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