Brief Interlude 1

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*A/N Just a short chapter to catch a break between adventures!

Teresa spent the rest of Christmas with the Tylers before she disappeared again, landing with Donna and Ten. She landed a little after 'Fires of Pompeii' from what she gathered, and the three travelled together for the next four days. But something had changed for Teresa.

Nine's words haunted her and despite the heart-to-heart with Rose and Ten on Christmas day, Teresa found herself dwelling on his words. While it was trued that she couldn't always stop certain things from happening, she could try to at least be useful and not a know-it-all child who couldn't help in the slightest.

Unable to sleep, Teresa took to the Tardis library at nights and began to study. She spent three days just reading up on physics and technology, slowly beginning to build up her knowledge so that she might help the Doctor. She focused mostly on engines and computers, knowing that was where the Doctor would mostly find difficulties.

On the third night, the Doctor found her. He raised a brow at her, having already noticed her dark circles and tired countenance before but he didn't say anything about her unhealthy routine. Instead, to Teresa's immense surprise, he sat beside her and began to teach her the things she was trying to read.

He was a surprisingly good teacher, and Teresa was shocked to see him actually able to sit and focus on teaching her what he probably considered basic mechanics. But she was also grateful for his patience- her studies became easier and the understanding quicker with him there to help her.

But while his tutoring helped, it also made her sleepy as his soothing voice washed over her. Teresa nodded a few times before quickly jerking herself awake and refocusing. She couldn't afford to sleep when the Doctor was teaching her so nicely...

Teresa woke up the next day in her bed, blinking in surprise at the comfy pillows underneath her cheek. She realized, to her embarrassment, that the Doctor must've carried her back to her room. She didn't even remember falling asleep... wait, she did.

Teresa's cheeks went bright red as she remembered her eyes becoming heavy as the Doctor explained the major components of common spaceship engines. She must've fallen asleep mid-lecture, and she sighed.

That's really embarrassing. She thought in mortification.

Quickly getting dressed, she headed down the stairs to the console, spotting the Doctor as he wandered about. Thankfully, it appeared she hadn't hopped in time yet.

He saw her as she hesitated in the doorway, and he waved her over calling excitedly: "I was thinking we could go to the planet Barcelona. I never actually took you, and Donna kept whining that she wanted to see a planet anyway."

Teresa smiled, nodding slightly. He raised a brow questioningly as he noticed her hesitant expression, but then he was surprised as she blurted: "Sorry I fell asleep on you like that. I honestly didn't mean to, and it was really rude when you were helping me. I didn't even say thank you for offering to teach me, so by the way, thank you."

The Doctor blinked in surprise, but he smiled softly when she finished.

"It really wasn't any trouble, and I actually enjoyed it." He told her gently and Teresa snorted skeptically.

He grinned and then asked lightly: "How was your sleep? It looked like you hadn't slept in a while."

It was Teresa's turn to snort slightly as she shrugged, answering thoughtfully: "You know, it actually was really nice. I don't remember the last time I slept that well, which is probably not healthy."

The Doctor chuckled as he agreed: "Yeah, probably not."

Teresa smiled and walked over to join him by the console. As she leaned on the console, Teresa asked curiously: "How come you're always so energetic even though you barely sleep?"

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