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*A/N I do not own Doctor Who or any of its characters; I only own my own OC and storyline. Story contains spoilers for the show.

Teresa was walking down the busy London street, humming to herself lightly as she headed back home after doing some much needed grocery shopping. She was also in a bit of a hurry because she wanted to be home in time to watch the final Doctor Who season 7 episode, which would be coming out today. She had no idea what she was going to do when it was over, and she would have to wait the agonizing few months until at least the specials came out.

She'd heard they'd just wrapped up filming, which saddened her a little. This was going to be Matt Smith's final time as the Doctor, and he'd definitely been one of her favorites. But she was also excited, especially since she'd heard rumors that John Hurt had been seen filming with Matt Smith and David Tennant, and the prevailing theory was that he might be the next Doctor or, even more exciting, the lost Doctor, the Doctor between Eight and Nine, the Doctor who'd fought in the Time War.

Teresa had just walked around the street corner that would take her home, when she paused, blinking her grey eyes. There, right in front of her, was a bright, Tardis-blue light, shimmering in the air from an apparently invisible source. She frowned as she examined it, glancing around.

But no-one else seemed bothered by the bright light- in fact, they didn't even seem able to see it as they walked around and even through the light. Teresa slowly walked closer, shifting her grocery bags into her left hand as she reached her right hand towards the light. Nothing happened and she shrugged, taking a step forward, thinking to simply walk through it.

She yelped as she felt a sharp tug, as though something had grabbed her insides and jerked them. Reflexively she let go of the grocery bags, dropping them as she felt her whole world fade away in a burst of blinding white light. No-one looked twice as the blonde young woman disappeared into thin air... as though they hadn't even seen her there before she was gone.


Teresa stumbled, clutching her head as she felt like it was going to explode. Whatever that light had been, it sure knew how to pack a punch and she vaguely wondered what had happened to make her feel so giddy. Shaking her head lightly to clear it, she glanced around and paused, frowning.

Where am I? She wondered as she looked around what looked like a dimly lit corridor. How on earth did I end up here? She pushed her blonde hair out of her face as she stared, around curiously. It smelt strange, wherever she was- almost like someone was cooking.

She slowly walked down one of the corridors and stopped, staring ahead blankly. There, in front of her, was a white horse, all saddled up but with no rider. Teresa blinked slowly as it turned to face her, and she said slowly: "Okay..."

She walked up slowly towards the horse, reaching out carefully. It whinnied a little before pressing its nose against her hand and she smiled. "Funny seeing you here." She commented as she began to stroke its neck. It whinnied happily as Teresa glanced around, and admitted: "Although, I'm not really sure where here is."

Teresa peered about again as she murmured thoughtfully: "It looks like one of those space-themed sets in Disneyland or Universal, although how I'm here is the question. I guess I could be dreaming, but then I was just going home from shopping so I can't be. Unless I dreamt that part too. Or, you know, I'm crazy."

The horse whinnied again and she glanced at it, pausing mid-pet. "Then again," Teresa muttered, "I am talking to a horse." It whinnied and butted its head against her leather jacket, making her giggle. She jumped, startled, as she heard a male voice call: "Rose? Mickey?"

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