The Impossible Astronaut 2

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A few moments later, the Doctor – sans his tweed jacket, which was hanging on the back of a chair – was poring over every map of Florida the Secret Service agents had managed to find. Teresa was helping him look while everyone else basically hung about, Nixon sitting thoughtfully in his chair.

"Why Florida?" Canton asked at last from where he was watching the Doctor.

"There's where NASA is." The Doctor answered shortly as he pushed passed towards the President's desk.

Teresa watched him before her eyes slid over to River and then Amy as the pair looked up at the Doctor in alarm while he rambled on: "She mentioned a spaceman. NASA's where the spacemen live. Also," he paused to grin at the President, "there's another lead I'm following."

Teresa watched as Amy hopped over to River, the murmuring in hushed tones, probably about the incident they'd witnessed just hours ago in Utah, at Lake Silencio. She sighed as she watched River walk away dejectedly, pulling another map that was on the floor and examining it.

Teresa, however, kept her eyes on Amy, watching as Amy focused her eyes on something in the corridor, before she was distracted by Rory. Her expression turned confused and then worried and slightly sickly as Rory asked in concern: "Amy, what's wrong?"

"Amy?" River asked, her attention also caught by Rory's worried tone.

"You alright?" The Doctor asked as he also glanced at the companion briefly, and Amy answered quickly: "Yeah. No, I'm fine. I'm just feeling a little... sick."

She hurried off, Rory watching her worriedly while Teresa sighed as she saw Amy's hand clutch her stomach briefly before she asked a Secret Service agent: "Excuse me, is there a toilet or something?"

"Sorry, ma'am," the Secret Service leader cut in, "while this procedure's ongoing, you must remain within the Oval office."

"Shut up and take her to the restroom." Canton interjected, annoyed. The other man gave him an equally irritated look before he turned to one of his agents and jerked his head silently.

"This way, ma'am." The agent said at once, leading Amy out. Rory made to follow, but he was stopped by a hand from the Secret Service leader.

Canton sighed quietly, before turning to the Doctor and saying pointedly: "Your five minutes are up."

"Yeah, and where's my fez?" The Doctor replied without looking up.

Teresa looked over at Canton to see the man fighting a smile. He caught her eye and couldn't stop a grin. She smiled back before turning to the map the Doctor was poring over. Her smile dropped unhappily as she stared blankly into thin air, wishing she could've followed Amy out.

But she knew the redhead would be safe, and she didn't want to risk the Doctor noticing something wrong yet. He needed to figure this one out on his own if he wanted to survive Silencio.

They all started as the phone rang again, the Doctor glancing at the phone briefly before he returned to the map.

"The kid?" Canton asked, and Nixon looked over at them anxiously.

"Should I answer it?" He checked, when Teresa found what they needed.

"Doctor." She called and he turned to look at where she was pointing.

"Yes!" He crowed, kissing the top of her head.

He quickly explained as Canton also peered over to look: "The only place in the United States that call could be coming from. See? Obvious, when you think about it."

"You are a genius." Canton breathed as Amy returned.

"It's a hobby." The Doctor answered and Canton deadpanned: "I meant her."

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