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      "My fellow've done absolutely excellent with handling my needs! You've done so well that I can't put into words how much gratitude and respect I have for you so all I'll say is thank you. Thank you for the opportunity of making me a little happy again." The crowd cheers and jumps up and down with glee, they haven't screwed up anything....well so they think "although you were able to make me happier you have failed miserably at making my dear one happy...therefore as a punishment, we will stop time." Earth says calmly while the crowd gasps and looks in total awe "you heard me. My happiness is very important and valuable but it is nothing worth in comparison to my grand one's happiness! So, therefore, we won't start time again until Willow succeeds. For those confused this means you'll go about your daily life but it'll be this time always and this bright for 365 Earth days!" The crowd nods and walks away quickly trying to show respect but all the while showing deep deep disappointment in their queen, they didn't think these trials could make her so...petty
"NO!" She screams "Not another word, I don't care what you have to say. ME petty!" Earth screeched "Earth calm down, please! All I was saying is that you're being a bit unreasonable...the people they don't deserve this. Maybe you didn't get your way completely but that's life Earth and you should know this of all peo—!" Goodness is cut off with another yell "no, no, no you know that my precious means everything to me and if she's unhappy my happiness seeps lower and lower! I had happiness but this morning I checked the magic mirror and saw the sad look on her face...I couldn't I just can't Goodness!" "Oh SHUT UP EARTH...SHUT UP! Now I have something to say, we all miss Willow we love her with all our heart but you can't just stop time and cause chaos over nothing. She needs to learn that not everything's preppy and sweet, she's lived a good life and heck she's still living one but this is the real world and she needs these trials to open her eyes! Willow is opening her eyes and now you need to open yours! YOUR.JUST.BEING.STUPID!" Mischief thunders.
A cold cold look springs through Earths face back and forth back and forth until "I'm the queen! If you EVER talk to me YOUR ELDER, YOUR SUPERIOR, AND YOUR FAITHFUL WOMAN OF POWER! You'll be stripped of your powers physically and materially wise then banished from this world! Don't ever question me or my motives...or else more will suffer. More will go down because I don't tolerate unruly savage acts! Weather your my blood or my lowly!" The sister's expression broke Earths heart more than it was before. She steps back and whispers, "just go..I'm overwhelmed and you're doing nothing to fix that. Please just leave before I wreak worse wrath on you and others. I just need you to understand that she's my only only love left, without her I'm done. I'm through because I remember a better time when she was here... now she's gone and I need her back, just one touch." She sighs and walks toward her chambers.

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