Our Princess

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"Guys...it's been 4 days well on Earth 4 years since we've checked on our grandbaby! We need to make sure she's getting the info and support she needs, and if not that can most definitely be arranged!" "Why yes, Earth I see you're on task this morning!" "Aren't I always?!" "No comment." Mischief bursts with laughter to the amuse of her smart alec remark while Earth just smiles trying hard to hide her annoyance, embarrassment, and icy glare to protect her pride and ego. Then enters Goodness who has awaken from her spiritual trance that she takes every 4 days to keep her soul cleansed and protected from the evil spirits that lurk in the cracks and corners of the sacred chambers! "Oh me oh my" she mocks "sisters in paradise...I THINK NOT haha I see you two have had an amusing morning...at least for Mischief." The two sisters laugh with such delight and amusement by the power they had over Earth. That took an abrupt stop when Earth halts their giggles "Hmm and I see that the two mighty young sisters have had their fun but while you're over there playing a responsible QUEEN of the clouds is doing her task but I guess maybe I'll let you two children play..huh?!"
Earth walks away without saying another word, she knows she has won just by the silence that roamed the quarters. With embarrassment swelling the two's mind they gracefully walk over looking like wounded puppies obeying a powerful owner. They all stare at the mirror blankly until Gracey knocks politely and then walks in "Dear Goddesses I am ready for my 5 realms mission task but I would like one teensy favor." The three look at each other curious about what Gracey might say next "if you don't mind I would like one of your most noble servants to take care of my child while I'm off...could that please be arranged your majesty's?" They look at each other and smile, The sisters read each other's thoughts and planed their demise to pick their fun with Gracey.
Earth glares strongly at Gracey "are you asking us the noblest, powerful, smart, and majestic creatures of these holy lands for a favor?!!" Gracey thinks hard and gulps with fear that can be smelled by one with no senses "yea Earth is right why must we entertain such a noble favor! We are too preoccupied with our own problems one of them, as you know, is our dear grand daughter that is growing up faster than ever!" "Ye-es your beloveds I am deeply sorrowful by my untainted words! I just thought that since I am doing this for you maybe I could—." Goodness, who felt quite bad about provoking her innocent child interrupts and says "Gracey haha your so sweet and innocent and your innocence inspires me and I just wanted you to know we were just having a little bit of fun and of course you may have someone to watch over your cattle!" Gracey sighs with relief and laughs a little but then bows gracefully while exiting the chambers.
The sisters laugh again but get back to their duties. They order one of their best (Green) to watch over Gracey's baby. They return to the mirror and see the conversation Willow's Mom had with her and they just know that their dear baby is doing just fine! Thriving actually! For now...

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