Nightmare Dream, Nightmare truth

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      DIARY DIARY! it's 12:19 and I'm writing sort of frantically and that's because I've had the worst best dream ever. You know how I have dreams of falling from the sky and such but this time like my whole real life was shown to me like a movie and it felt like I was really in it. It showed me of not being a witch at all...but apparently, I'm some type of granddaughter to a very special goddess!? I know I know crazy but I really believe it I think I'm truly a goddess well a goddess in training! Tonight I'm going to surprise Milestone and sneak into his house so I'm really exc—- I...I feel some type of spiritual wave of energy a..a presence!
"Who's there?" Willow whispers as she looks around terrified in her teal whale PJs two pieces and all. ZOCK BOOM the room shakes and shivers as a gust of magical wind zaps and zips through the window's curtains and the sheets "please! Please leave me alone spirits or else!" That sorry excuse for a threat doesn't sway the "spirits" and the gusts of winds grow stronger and louder! "YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!!" Willow whisper screams trying her best to make sure her Mom doesn't wake but also making sure she's heard loud and clear. When just before she was gonna unleash her nature... something taps her on the shoulders saying "maybe if you want to get a hit in you should turn around because we're right here." One voice whispers from behind. Willow turns around and they're gone, she turns around again there gone and for the last time she sneakily turns around and ends up face to face with four ghouls or angels staring her down!?
Willows mom beams awake almost like lightning at the sound of footsteps coming her way. In the dark foggy room, Willows Mom feels around only to feel 3 bodies floating above her! She can sense and feel what's happening she calls out in a groggy throaty voice, "speak! You can speak now I know who you are and why you're here it's time...I know that it's time and your just here to inform me of the brutal life sentence you've got locked around my daughter's heart and throat!!" The three figures floating above are stunning and don't want to anger the mom more but, they got a job to do so, "we are witches. And yes Jess you're right we're here to make sure you understand every teensy aspect of Willows trials...I'll start once Willow knows what she needs to but for now, we wait. Ok?" Willows mom gives a glare that could kill and sits up in her bed. "Can you get down from there? Now please!?" The witches float on down towards the ground and just silently hover.
On the verge of fainting Willow stutters "why arum!" The two warlocks and two angels gleam with the delight of the young princess! The angel in a bright blue cloak cheeps "hi there princess I am here as well as my fellow workers to explain to you everything you need to know. About the real you, your powers and why you have them, your real parents and where they are...things of that nature ok? Oh and if you don't believe us we can always just leave and never tell you!" Willow gets a shock of confidence and shouts "WAIT! I want to know, tell me. Tell me everything!" They all grin to each other and start the storytelling. Once they've reached the end of the storytelling Willow is just silent and still. "Are you ok Willow?!" Shouts a warlock she nods and says continue so they move on to the trials.
"Now you have to go through a trial because of your father sooooo here's the rules. No falling in love with humans, no telling them about who you are, no using your powers in public! And you do this for 365 days which is a year for you and is a day for us as you know, So simple!!!" But it wasn't...not for Willow, not for any girl who's on the edge of falling for their best friend! Not for someone like her! "I won't do it!" "What do you mean 'you won't do it' you're DOING IT!" Willow shakes her head and stomps her feet vigorously "I won't!" "Do you want to live as a tree for the rest of humanity or live in paradise up in the clouds where you belong! I know you can't say no to love clouds!" "I love clouds but I love somebody else more," Willow mumbles trying her best not to cry the warlocks stare in shock while the angels gasp! Just before they all fainted someone bursts the door open "sorry guys I couldn't stop her from coming in here!" Whispers the witches Willows mom begins "WILLOW...I know you don't want to but you're DOING IT, CHILD! I am your Mother and what I say goes. I will not lose you over some stupid boy, there is much fish in the sea! Why can't you just wait one year to start fishing...I made a deal that if I sign a contract that forces me to make you do the trials I get to keep my memory of you. I'm sorry but I want to keep my memories of you!" Willows mom shouts through sobs! Willow goes to her mother and sobs along too! What a great start to my birthday Willow thinks to herself.

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