Elements Move

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   It was a bright shiny morning very peaceful and silent when a loud boom of laughter breaks the quiet air...running down the hall comes a girl with brown hair shiny and dim saying to her Mother "mama you never finished our story please continue and then I'll feel complete!" "Oh haha, my dear I see you've awakened I may continue the story you most definitely thirst for! Well hmm, where were we?" "The elements move WHATS THAT MAMA!" "Oh right the elements well in order for someone to travel to Earth the Grandmothers have to all combine their powers and open up a portal to that realm and that is 1 of the 5 realms and it's the hardest to travel to." "But mama I learned in school that no ones allowed to travel there so there is no need to open it up...so why did they open it up!" Gracey stopped in her tracks not knowing whether she's saying too much or not enough...
"Well, a long time ago Maximus had a child with the goddess of...Earth and their baby grew up living a happy life in the clouds until one day when he turned exactly 16 he got word of his father being banished to the underground which is an evil place with wretched things I will not say, he was sent there because of a risky deal he made with Spartikus the leader of the underground he was to never speak to his family and they were never to speak or seek him or else! So while they all grieved Earth had thought of something. She knew that the sisters needed a new god and her son Maxim was the perfect candidate, but to be fair they had only one quest for him to complete that she and the sisters had made personally without the law books involved." "And what would that be.." the girl sat up with aspiration and eagerness in her eyes. "Well, his quest was to live on Earth with all his powers but to live as a human. He wasn't allowed to fall in love with a human or to tell anyone about who he really is. See that was to prove his worth."
"Oh..WHAT NEXT!" "Well, they attempted to open the portal using the spell book of the "elements move" and succeeded. He got there safely and things were going great...they'd watch over him and make sure he was completing his task. He had a total of 365 days on Earth to complete the mission which is called a year to Earthlings which for us is one age. Also, one year on Earth is one day here so tomorrow it'll be there age and our day, I hope you get it....." "OH ME OH MY DID HE FAIL DID HE!"....the widow was questioning her choices at this point but she knew it was too late to turn back so she continued on "Well he fell in love with a human, told her all about him and his world, and lastly HAD A BABY with her!" "OH NO!" With a tired look full of regret the mother kept on "and so as punishment the 3 grandmothers turned their dear child into a tree and kept him on Earth and then wiped all the memories of his beloved and stowed away their child."...."What that's so sad is there more mama." With a hesitant smile Gracey replied "well the girl was named Willow since her dad was turned into a willow tree and was living as great a life as her dad once did up in the clouds until they realized later on when she was about twelve that in the law books it states "one who has broken their god/goddess in training task has to be punished as well as the next generation.." "what happened to the girl Mommy." "Well the child suffered the same fate as her father but not the tree part at least not yet...she was thrown to Earth to live there she was reborn as a baby with a note that tells anyone who retrieves her that at the age of 16 the baby must know who she really is! When she's 16 she'll start her training but if she fails as her father did she will suffer the same fate and her next generation!" "But mommy what does this all come to..what does it all prove." "I'm not sure yet dear not sure at all."

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