The Heart of a Young One

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The pitter patter of small feet awaken the birds and sky. It's the start of dawn and a child of great importance with beautiful blond freckles as bold as her blue eyes run down the halls towards the garden her eyes are very big with blue waves in them! She has specks of white all in her eyes, you could see the clouds and ocean all by looking at her. While a mother watches she waves to the child and says "hello." with a loving but troubled smile. She then says to herself "look at my sweet child so special in many brilliant ways...I just can't stand the thought of." The mother *sighs* "she's growing so fast...she's 4 now! Which is good but also troublesome for me and I'm afraid especially her."
Clouds. All the girl ever looked at the thought about and dreamt of were clouds. With a bright shiny smile the 4-year-old named Willow lays on the grass and looks up, she can see the whole world within the clouds! A magical world where people can fly as far as birds can and a place where everything is as white and blank as the starry stare in her eyes, a place where....she belongs, a place where she wants to be. With her platinum blond hair sprawled out on the freshest piece of nature, the little girl shouts "clouds...I wanna touch clouds! I know one day I can flyyyy away far to the clouds! That's where I wanna go...MY HOME IN THE CLOUDS!" The mother of this well-rounded child runs out and shouts
"Do you want to hear the story, the story of when you were my Willow." Willow looks up towards her loving mother and replies back with glee "of course Mommy tells me the story of Willow...tell me the story of...Me!" The girl wipes away the dirt on her cooked caramel skin and starts for her mother. With a leap, she ends up in her mother's arms and taken to her room. "Let's begin shall we...well when you were about maybe a couple of hours old I was strolling through this big magnificent park when I stumbled upon you in a wooden basket with many flowers and clothes that smelt as good as the freshest daisy in the world!" Willow interrupts with happiness "wow I love daisies how great is it that I smelled as nice as one!" "Yes indeed. Well, I saw you a beautiful baby with such gorgeous skin that glowed as if you were an angel that dropped from the heavens! I picked you up with no hesitation which means without stopping and I took you to this very cottage away from the bad things in the world because you were and still are too precious and innocent to be exposed to this ungodly place!" The mother stops when she sees she has confused and as well as upset her daughter by the tone that the story was starting to get to, she starts again "Well my dear child I just knew you were special from the white hair the color of snow on your head all the way down to your tiny cute caramel colored toes!" Willows worries whilst away on the words of her coming to be. She is proud to be different and she's proud to be her "Thank you, mommy, I liked the story but now I want to go play with the sky again."
"Yes, child go with the nature around you and never forget.. in this world you must stay strong you must fight and you must remember where YOU came from not me or the next guy over but YOU always remember where YOU really come from." "And where may that be? Here in this house?" The mother kisses Willows plump cheek and says before walking towards the kitchen "when that day comes you'll know, you'll know where you truly came from." With a loving but surely confused smile, Willow skips away to her safe haven.

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