Year After Year, Day By Day

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  Dear diary, the years are flying by like a bird in the wind, my dear Willow is ten now and she is growing up to be a wonderful gracious girl with lots of class! But PLENTY of sas; she is soon to be a tween and I'm scared to think about the reaction she'll have once Its told to her. Told her the truth about where she comes from, the truth about why she's here and if she'll stay. I want her to become whatever it is the letter says she has to be but...I can't help but pray that she doesn't...that she doesn't choose to be a—. The woman who was once scribbling away like a mad person stops. "Mommy, what's wrong...why are you writing so hard like'll mess up your hands." "Sweety cakes you worry way too much my cute worrying Willow everything's alright Mommy just has something very important to write." Willow nods her head with a concerned look and walks away but not without a little look. She's writing why! Later on, I must find that book. Willow skips away quickly and heads to her room, with anger boiling her bones she decides to write away in HER notebook. "If Mom can do it so can I!" 

"Goodness come quickly I think our dear is upset! She seems so distracted and very disturbed!" Goodness runs over making her dress drag behind her and Mischief comes along too worried but not concerned. "What is she we need to find her a better Mom do we need to—!" "Shush up now Goodness! Let Earth speak!" "Guys you know how angry and hollow Willow can get right." They nod because over the past couple days or years they've seen the girl's anger progress quite a lot. She seems to be short tempered which could bring lots of troubles her way, the queen continues on "Well she took a peak with her powerful vision *she smirks* and saw that her Mom was writing about her! She plans to find the book and discover her truth before it's even time! If this doesn't work out...I fear the worst for her future! She might even turn out like her—!" "Don't you dare say what I think you're implying." Goodness says sternly "all of you calm down we can fix this nothing will go wrong." Mischief adds on "and also learning that the first power she has grown is the sight seeker! Well, that's darn relieving. That's one of the best ones in the birth book!" They nod slowly and smile.
"May the roles of gravity come within!" "May the air seeks the book of sin!" "Power of the moon and stars come together!" "Make that book hidden before it's over!" The three mumbles in unison the sacred words of their oh mighty spellbook. There was a BOOM CRACKLE POP! Then they look through their third eye and see the vision of the future! They are linked and so is their third eye. They can see Willow tiptoeing through the creaks and cracks of the cottage towards her Mother's room. She looks and looks quietly through the night using her sight seeker but the book is nowhere to be found! They look deeper through their third eye and see the book hidden under the Mother in an invisible force field. BOOM CLACK the goddesses fly across the chambers and are now locked in a powerful trance! They are stuck through space and time within their mind and third eye! What are they to do!!!

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